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Requirements for Research Paper

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Presentation on theme: "Requirements for Research Paper"— Presentation transcript:

1 Requirements for Research Paper
Due Tuesday at end of class

2 Is the paper set up in MLA format?
heading header correct font correct spacing centered title

3 Is the paper the correct length?

4 Read the first few lines
Read the first few lines. Does it give you a sense of what the rest of the paper is going to be about?

5 Read the rest of the paper. Does it conclude nicely
Read the rest of the paper. Does it conclude nicely? Or does it end suddenly? (this is bad!)

6 Paper must have at least two in-text citations. Does it
Paper must have at least two in-text citations. Does it? These should be authors or titles of articles. If not, where would be a good place to put them? Remember—if quotes are not around a sentence, it must be in their own words.

7 Check for a proper use of semi-colon. Circle it
Check for a proper use of semi-colon. Circle it. Can the parts before and after the semi-colon stand on their own? If not, fix it!

8 Are their any opinions in this paper. This is bad
Are their any opinions in this paper? This is bad! We are just reporting on a topic, not giving opinions or beliefs on it. Replace these opinionated words.

9 Must be in 3rd person. No “I, me, you” except if in a quote.

10 Now edit for punctuation, grammar, and spelling
Now edit for punctuation, grammar, and spelling. Make sure all countries (Germany, France), people (Hitler, Mengele), and terms (Jewish, Nazi) are capitalized.

11 Now, think about how the words sound aloud
Now, think about how the words sound aloud. We are going to do something that may sound silly. You’re going to read the paper aloud to the author! You will catch a lot more that way.

12 Remember that you must turn in a works cited page
Remember that you must turn in a works cited page. There is an example of how it should look on your research paper handout. Its own page Title centered Sources in alphabetical order MLA citation

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