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DNA Solution of the Maximal Clique Problem

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1 DNA Solution of the Maximal Clique Problem
Cell and Microbial Engineering Laboratory Lee Ji Youn

2 Introduction Clique Maximal clique problem
: defined as a set of vertices in which every vertex is connected to every other vertex by an edge Maximal clique problem : Given a network containing N vertices and M edges, how many vertices are in the largest clique? Finding the size of the largest clique has been proven to be an NP-complete problem

3 Algorithm Step 1. Make the complete data pool Step 2.
For a graph with N vertices, each possible clique is represented by an N-digit binary number 1: a vertex in the clique : a vertex out of the clique example) clique (4,1,0)  binary number Step 2. Find pairs of vertices in the graph that are not connected by an edge (0,2) (0,5) (1,5) (1,3) The complementary graph

4 Step 3. Eliminate from the complete data pool all numbers containing connections in the complementary graph  xxx1x1 or 1xxxx1 or 1xxx1x or xx1x1x Step 4. Sort the remaining data pool to find the data containing the largest number of 1’s  the clique with the largest number of 1’s tells us the size of the maximal clique

5 Experiment - Construction of DNA molecules
Complete data pool two DNA sections bit’s value (Vi) V0~V bp when Vi =1 10 bp when Vi =0 position value (Pi) P0~P6 20 bp Longest = 610 + 720 = 200bp (000000) Shortest = 60 + 720 = 140bp (111111) dsDNA

6 sequence construction - randomly generated
to avoid mispairing, avoid accidental homologies longer than 4bp embedded restriction sequences within each Vi =1 POA (parallel overlap assembly)

7 Experiment - POA POA (parallel overlap assembly) 12 oligonucleotides
PiViPi+1 for even i <Pi+1 Vi Pi> for odd i P0V0P1 P2V2P3 P4V4P5 <P2V1P1> <P4V3P3> <P6V5P5> PCR with P0 and <P6> as primers (lane2 in fig3)



10 Experiment - Digestion with restriction enzyme
Break DNA : internal sequence Vi =1 PCR with P0 and <P6> as primers broken sting were not amplified Division of the data pool into two test tube t0 : Alf II cut Vo=1 t1 : Spe I cut V2=1  combine t0 and t1 into test tube t, which did not contain xxx1x1

11 Experiment - Digestion and PCR amplification
Elimination all strings connected by edges xxx1x1, 1xxxx1, 1xxx1x, xx1x1x PCR amplification of remaining data DNA Fig 3, Lane 5: digestion result Lane 6: PCR result

12 Experiment - Readout the data
Reading the size of the largest clique(s) shortest length : 160bp  four vertices What is the maximal clique? 6C4 = 15, 15 different strings read the answer by molecular cloning 1) insertion the DNA into M13 bacteriophage through site-directed mutagenesis 2) transfection of the mutagenized M13 phase DNA into E.coli 3) cloning 4) DNA extraction and sequencing

13 Result correct answer

14 Discussion - Major error
Production of ssDNA during PCR cannot be cut by restriction enzymes solution : digestion of the ssDNA with S1 nuclease before restriction digestion Incomplete cutting by restriction enzymes repetition of digestion-PCR process increase the signal-to-noise

15 Discussion - Strengths and Weaknesses
high parallelism Weaknesses limitation on the number of vertices that this algorithm can handle maximum number of vertices with picomole operations = 27 (36 vertices with nanomole) exponential increase in the size of the pool with the size of the problem  Further scale-up becomes impractical  New algorithms are needed

16 Discussion - Future direction
Rapid and accurate data access is needed biotin-avidin purification electrophoresis DNA cloning  too slow/ too noising  biochip is needed to accelerate readout

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