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By: Cindy Salgado Yvette Dorado Kenny Tlazola Daevid Ruiz

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Presentation on theme: "By: Cindy Salgado Yvette Dorado Kenny Tlazola Daevid Ruiz"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Cindy Salgado Yvette Dorado Kenny Tlazola Daevid Ruiz

2 What is a Tsunami? A series of huge waves cause by earthquake or volcano under water

3 What Causes a Tsunami? Movement of earth under water
Small waves in deep water Big waves at shore line Travel in many directions Reach different continents Earthquake makes waves higher

4 Effects of a Tsunami It could knock down a building
Tsunamis can make many waves Depending how low or high the water is On December 26 ,2004 a strong tsunami hit Asia and killed 200,000 people.

5 Safety Tips Listen for warning siren
Get out of the ocean as fast as you can Listen to news or radio If you are in school you need to go with a teacher Go to higher floor or higher land Tsunami’s can occur at day and night.

6 Warning Siren

7 Starburst Drink Helps You Run Away From Tsunamis !
Mix all these ingredients together and you will run forever!!!

8 Resources

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