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Deploy Plugins Developer 29 October 2013

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1 Amol Gade (
Deploy Plugins Developer 29 October 2013 IBM UrbanCode Deploy v6.0 Support Enablement Training Deployment for WebSphere Portal Plugin 1

2 Agenda Overview Installation and configuration
Migration and/or Upgrade Process Troubleshooting procedures Known Issues Source: If applicable, describe source origin (date, author, publication) 2 2

3 UC Deploy v6.0 Portal Plugin - Overview
Add capabilities to the IBM Urban Code Deploy (UCD) product that allow for deployment of WebSphere Portal artifacts Used to automate deployments of themes, skins, PAAs and WARs on to a Portal server Also adds the capability to execute generic ConfigEngine commands and XMLAccess scripts Source: If applicable, describe source origin (date, author, publication) 3 3

4 UC Deploy v6.0 Portal Plugin – Supported Portal versions
WebSphere Portal 6.1, 6.1.5, 7.0 and 8.0 Both ND and Standalone topology are supported Supports all Platforms and Hardware supported by WebSphere Portal and Deploy Agent 4 4

5 UC Deploy v6.0 Portal Plugin – High level flow
Execute the auto-discover and configure step provided by the Application Deployment for WebSphere Plugin for the Portal cell This creates all cell resources like, Cell, Clusters and Nodes in the Resources view This is an optional step, the required resources can be created manually if desired Define the following properties for Portal Cluster, Portal Primary Node and Portal Secondary Node resources. For Standalone topology, the only Portal Node resource is valid portal.home [The Portal installation directory] portal.profile.home [The Portal profile directory] portal.admin.user [The Portal administrator user name] portal.admin.password [The Portal administrator password] portal.config.port [The Portal configuration port] websphere.password [The WAS administrator password] The desired deployment can now be automated by defining required Components, Applications and Environments corresponding to these resources. 5 5

6 UC Deploy v6.0 Portal Plugin

7 UC Deploy v6.0 Portal Plugin – Resources
Topology will be auto-discovered on systems with a UC Deploy agent and represented as Resources. 7 7

8 UC Deploy v6.0 Portal Plugin – Resource Properties
Define following properties for the top level resource 8 8

9 UC Deploy v6.0 Portal Plugin – Deploy Theme Process
All Plugin steps requires the artifact to be deployed present in the CodeStation Thus, Download Artifacts is a mandatory step to be executed prior to the plugin step 9

10 UC Deploy v6.0 Portal Plugin – Components And Applications
The Deployment for WebSphere Portal plugin does not create any Component and/or Application by itself All Components and/or Applications need to be created by the Deployment Automation Engineer 10 10

11 UC Deploy v6.0 Portal Plugin - Installation and Configuration
The WebSphere Portal plug-in is imported into the Deploy server using the following procedure: In the Deploy UI navigate to the Settings->Automation Plugins page Click on the Load Plugin button, which will open a dialog box. In the dialog box click the Choose File button and select the file Click the Submit button The plug-in doesn’t require any explicit configuration other then to ensure your WAS cells have been modeled as Resources and all resource level properties have beed defined as described. Source: If applicable, describe source origin (date, author, publication) 11 11

12 Migration or Upgrade Process
This is the first release of the WebSphere Portal plug-in so there is no upgrade process Source: If applicable, describe source origin (date, author, publication) 12 12

13 Known Issues & Gotchas WAS auto discovery – if WAS is installed into a directory other then the default then you must set a property on the agent prior to adding it to your top level resource group. On the Resources/Agents/<agent_name>/Configuration/Agent Properties page add a property named wsadmin.path and set the value to the fully qualified path of the wsadmin script including|bin After auto discovery you must manually initiate the “Auto Configure” step… some of the information is automatically detected but some must be manually entered and the process must be explicitly initiated Source: If applicable, describe source origin (date, author, publication) 13 13

14 Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is this Plugin capable of Portal Configuration as well? A: No! The Plugin can only be used to deploy the mentioned artifacts to the WebSphere Portal server. Thus, we do not claim support for Portal configuration. However, since WebSphere Portal runs on the underlying WebSphere Application Server, the MCWAS plugin can be used to configure WAS specific data. 14

15 Author Note: Mandatory Rational closing slide (includes appropriate legal disclaimer). Graphic is available in English only. © Copyright IBM Corporation All rights reserved. The information contained in these materials is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. IBM shall not be responsible for any damages arising out of the use of, or otherwise related to, these materials. Nothing contained in these materials is intended to, nor shall have the effect of, creating any warranties or representations from IBM or its suppliers or licensors, or altering the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreement governing the use of IBM software. References in these materials to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in which IBM operates. Product release dates and/or capabilities referenced in these materials may change at any time at IBM’s sole discretion based on market opportunities or other factors, and are not intended to be a commitment to future product or feature availability in any way. IBM, the IBM logo, Rational, the Rational logo, and other IBM products and services are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation, in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. 15 15

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