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Forward 1. Situation 2. Complication 3. Resolution 4. Action Required

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Presentation on theme: "Forward 1. Situation 2. Complication 3. Resolution 4. Action Required"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forward 1. Situation 2. Complication 3. Resolution 4. Action Required
The following presentation to the board members of XYZ is a result of our assessment on where XYZ stands today, what it needs, and what it seeks to achieve, and what actions we feel would form part of a 5 year plan for XYZ. 1. Situation 2. Complication XYZ makes the best widgets on the plant, achieved through years of leadership in a competitive market. Our human and technology assets have allowed us to be at top of widget buyers lists for many years The business curently needs an increase in revenue and margins to develop and sustain the business and the ambitions of the borad. These ambitions will not be met within existing standard opperating procedures across the business 3. Resolution 4. Action Required We need to capitalise on our people and our technology assets by adding in new skills and new technologies that will enhance the stable elements of the organisation whilst creating a platform for innovation in areas of particular focus. The presenter s team has evaluated the current culture of the board, and married that to the business elements. We conclude that the organisation is perfectly suited to a LEAN (use an industry adjective here), which requires an initial day of training for each board member and a subsequent funding need of $x,000 (include a schedule of costs slide). 5. Proof The program that we propose is an ongoing venture that will yield progressive annual cost reductions across the business, while equally enabling the one true element that distinguishes XYZ from our mainstream rivals – our ability to innovate to new model widgets that are produced in high quality on time and within budget Good Lean needs Good Documentation – please check out my video on

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