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1 Statistical Application Analysis On Dhaka Bank _______________________________________

2 Dhaka bank limited Dhaka Bank Limited is a private-owned commercial bank in Bangladesh. It has Authorized Capital of Tk. 1,000 million and Paid-up Capital of Tk. 100 million. It has 54 Branches, 4 SME Service Centers, 5 CMS Units & 2 offshore Banking Units It offers the full range of real-time online banking services through its all Branches, ATMs and Internet Banking Channels.

3 Input of spss We used Independent Variable Dependent Variable Deposit
Input of spss We used Independent Variable Deposit Investment Fixed Asset Dependent Variable Total Asset

4 Descriptive statistics
Descriptive statistics Mean Std.Deviation Variance Total Asset Investment Fixed Asset Deposit 459.20 300.63


6 Formula of Multiple Regression Equation:
Ŷ=a+b₁x₁+b₂x₂+b₃x₃ Here, a= constant X₁=Deposit X₂=Investment X₃=Fixed asset

7 SPSS Output of Multiple Regression Equation:
Predictor Coef SE coef T Constant 4.578 Deposit 1.284 .176 7.282 Investment 1.286 .909 1.415 Fixed Assets 6.817 2.652 2.570 Ŷ= x1+1.29x2+6.82x3 Total Asset= Deposit+1.29Investment+6.82Fixed Asset

8 Coefficient of Multiple Determination

9 Characteristics of Coefficient of Multiple Regression
It is symbolized by a capital R squared. It can range from 0 to 1 It cannot assume negative values. It is easy to interpret

10 R² = = 1 R²
R² measures how much in percent dependent variable is explained by independent variable R² = = 1

11 R²adj = 1- ÷ = .99 Adjusted R²
Adjusted R² is the measurement by which the variation of dependent variable can be explained R²adj = ÷ = .99

12 Interpretation Here R² is 1and Adjusted R² is .99, which is less than R² R² is 1 so it means association between dependent and independent variables are strong Only 1% of the variation if the estimation can not be explained through the adjustment of degrees of freedom

13 Global Test: ANOVA We can test the ability of the independent variables x1 ,x2, x3…xk to explain the behavior of the dependent variable Y. Basically, it investigates whether it is a possible all the independent variables have zero regression equation.

14 ANOVA Test Step 1 : State the null and alternate hypothesis:
The null hypothesis is: The independent variables have less significant effect on dependent variable Ho: β1=β2=β3=0 The alternative hypothesis is: The independent variables have significant effect on dependent variable. H1: β1 ≠ β2 ≠ β3≠ 0

15 Continued… Step 2: Select the level of significance:
We will use .05 significance level Step 3: Determine the test statistics: The test statistics follows the F distribution F=

16 Continued… Step 4: Formulate the decision rule:
The decision rule is reject Ho >216 The critical value of F is found in Appendix B.4.It is 216. The degrees of freedom for numerator is 3; The degrees of freedom for denominator is 1, found by n-(k+1); 5-(3+1). Step 5: Perform calculations and make a decision: The value of F is : F= = =968.70

17 Independent variables have significant effect on dependent variable
ANOVAb Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 1.120E9 3 3.732E8 .024a Residual Total 4 Particulars Calculated Value Null Hypothesis Comment F test > 216 Rejected Independent variables have significant effect on dependent variable

18 Variables for T-Test Dependent Variables Independent Variables
Total Asset Deposit Investment Fixed Asset

19 SPSS Input (Data variables)
year Total asset Deposit Investment Fixed asset 2006 217.00 2007 291.00 2008 387.00 2009 424.00 2010 977.00

20 Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficients
SPSS Output of T-Test Model Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficients t sig B Std.Error Beta (Constant) Deposit Investment Fixed asset 1.284 1.286 6.817 .176 .909 2.652 .788 .112 .122 -4.578 7.282 1.415 2.570 .137 .087 .392 .236

21 Conducting T-Test The decision rule is reject Ho >12.706
The null hypothesis for three independent variables is: Ho: β1=0; β2=0; β3 =0 The alternative hypothesis is: H1: β1 ≠0; β2 ≠0; β3≠0 We will use .05 level of significance The decision rule is reject Ho >12.706 The value of t is found from the following equation: ti=bi - 0/sbi

22 Comparison of value Critical Value is: t=12.706 Calculated values are:
t1(Deposit)=7.20>12.706=Null hypothesis accepted t2(Investment)=1.40<12.706=Null hypothesis accepted t3(Fixed asset)=2.57>12.706=Null hypothesis accepted

23 Less Significant effect on Total deposit
Conclusion Variables Calculated value Null hypothesis Conclusion Deposit 7.20>2.120 Accepted Less Significant effect on Total deposit Investment 1.40<2.120 Fixed asset 2.57>2.120

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