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Scientific Method.

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1 Scientific Method

2 Scientific Method Steps to solve a scientific problem or answer a question 6 Steps!

3 1. Observe and Ask Questions
Taking note of a problem Ex deadly pathogen (Ebola) appeared in the Congo Doctors observed symptoms and and locations to determine cause All investigations begin with questions Determines what needs to be investigated further Ex. How was the disease transmitted? What is the disease causing agent?

4 2. Do background research
Longest phase of scientific investigation Find out what work has already been done and what data already exists.

5 3. Construct a Hypothesis
Hypothesis – suggested explanation for observation/question Statement is testable Can be supported or rejected but never proven true Prediction – states the results of the hypothesis “If…then...” statement Ex. If the virus were the true disease causing agent, then introducing the virus into healthy tissue would cause cell death.

6 4. Conduct Experiments IV DV
Experiment – testing a hypothesis by gathering data in controlled conditions Aspects: Control group – group not subjected to what is being tested Experimental group – group subjected to what is being tested Independent variable – one thing you do different between the two groups Dependent variable – measured results of the experiment How does _______________ affect _______________? IV DV

7 4. Experimenting continued
Example: Group A kidney cells exposed to infected blood. Group B kidney cells not exposed to infected blood. Scientists observed cells over many days. Group A kidney cells died What is the independent Variable? What is the dependent variable? What is the control group? What is the experimental group?

8 5. Analyze Data and… Data – all information gathered to answer questions Measuring – quantitative data (numbers) Sampling – using a sample to represent a whole population (must be large and random) Organize Data – using charts, tables, graphs, etc. Is it statistically significant?

9 5. …Draw Conclusions Modeling – explanation supported by data
Inferring – conclusion made on data Forming a theory – comprehensive statement of what is thought to be true and is backed up with lots of supporting data Ex. Ebola fever is a virus that was transmitted with close contact with infected victim

10 Report Findings! Scientific Journals Presentations Books Media

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