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Management of Oman Census2010

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1 Management of Oman Census2010

2 1. Introduction: Census aimed at providing comprehensive statistical data on population distribution and core demographic, social and economic characteristics. It also provides data on buildings and housing conditions and data on establishments and its various activities in the country. The primary use of these statistics is for planning and development of social and economic conditions.

3 Continue: Good planning with giving close attention to the management of the census will help in producing high-quality data. This paper will highlight the work accomplished in the managerial aspects of census 2010.

4 2. General Management of the Census
Relevance: To meet the requirements of the users the following two steps have been taken: A preparatory meeting : aimed at laying the foundations for major aspects of the census. a workshop :aimed at a dialogue between users and producers of data is being prepared and it will be held in the first month of next year.

5 General Management of the Census
Legal and Organizational Bases: The Committees responsible for overseeing the implementation of the census was decided by Royal Decree issued onApril2007, these committees are: - Supreme National Committee for the Census - Technical Committee for the Census - Information Committee for the Census

6 General Management of the Census
Planning for the Census: Timetable to show the exact time periods for each operation of the census

7 General Management of the Census
Quality Assurance and Control: A special unit is established to monitor the quality throughout the census, which is responsible for: Evaluation of the enumerators Completing the missing data Revision and evaluation of the data

8 General Management of the Census
The structure of the census : Some of the updates in structure are the following: -The separation of financial management from administrative affairs. - Creating a new unit concerned with information technology. - Establishment of a data quality control unit. - Establishment of a division specialized in the documentation of each census operation. - Establishment of a unit for training.

9 General Management of the Census
The Budget: 5 million Omani Rials (13 million US dollars) was adopted to complete the preparation phase and it is expected to reach 15 million Omani Rials (equivalent to 39 million US dollars). These costs are logical given the quality of the results obtained, the short duration required for the dissemination (not exceeding one month after the enumeration period) and the extent of its use in the development process.

10 General Management of the Census
The Budget: The equipment and programs will be used in all surveys which are held after the census.

11 General Management of the Census
purchase of computers and software: To automate the census operation the following programs will be used: -Administrative and financial programs - Programs for the selection of human resources that will work in the census project. - Special GIS Programs

12 General Management of the Census
The use of samples: Two pilot studies were prepared before starting the work of the census: first one on June 2009 second one on January 2010.

13 Preparation Phase Basis of the enumeration process:
The Sultanate uses the de jure and the de facto approach in the enumeration. Among the most important work done and ongoing during the preparatory period for the 2010 census:

14 Preparation Phase Design of the electronic form
A mechanism to collect and upload the data and for the flow of data Rules of coverage and consistency Field and office Management Oversight Accuracy controls Machinery and equipment The formulation of procedural instructions Designing the parameters for reviewing the data and for automated data correction and programming it. Establishing and implementing a program for monitoring and controlling data quality.

15 Preparation Phase GIS:
GIS database was established and updated in order to complete the work associated with maps and to divide the Sultanate into statistical division for use in the next census.

16 Data Processing Given the automation of all census operations and the use of HH devices in the process of data collection, the method of processing would be more accurate and practical and this is one of the advantages of handheld devices

17 Census output dissemination strategy :
based on the needs of data users and the strategy deals with the output's different forms(print, electronic ) makes the data available in an electronic site where it is possible for the user to design and select the variables desired for extraction

18 Data Evaluation Data evaluation will be done through three actions:
Center for Quality Control Through the collection of data using the handheld devices, the burden on the operation will be reduced. Comparison of data with other administrative sources

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