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CAD and Finite Element Analysis
Most ME CAD applications require a FEA in one or more areas: Stress Analysis Thermal Analysis Structural Dynamics Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Electromagnetics Analysis ...
General Approach for FE, 1
Select verification tools analytic, experimental, other fe method, etc. Select element type(s) and degree 3-D solid, axisymmetric solid, thick surface, thin surface, thick curve, thin curve, etc. Understand primary variables (PV) Statics: displacements & (maybe) rotations Thermal: temperature CDF: velocity & pressure
General Approach for FE, 2
Understand source (load) items Statics: point, line, surface, and volume forces Thermal: point, line, surface, and volume heat generation Understand secondary variables (SV) Statics: strains, stresses, failure criterion, error Thermal: heat flux, error
General Approach for FE, 3
Understand boundary conditions (BC) Essential BC (on PV) Statics: displacement and/or (maybe) rotation Thermal: temperature Natural BC (on SV) Statics: null surface traction vector Thermal: null normal heat flux One or the other at a boundary point.
General Approach for FE, 4
Understand reactions at Essential BC Statics: Force at given displacement Moment at given rotation (if active) Thermal: Heat flux at given temperature
General Approach for FE, 5
1. Estimate the solution 2. Select an acceptable error (1 %) 3. Mesh the model 4. Solve the model (PV), post-process (SV) 5. Estimate the error A. Unacceptable error: Adapt mesh, go to 3 B. Acceptable error: Validate the analysis
FE Mesh (FEM) Crude meshes that “look like” a part are ok for mass properties but not for FEA. Local error is proportional to product of the local mesh size (h) and the gradient of the secondary variables. PV piecewise continuous polynomials of degree p, and SV are discontinuous polynomials of degree (p-1).
FEA Stress Models 3-D Solid, PV: 3 displacements (no rotations), SV: 6 stresses 2-D Approximations Plane Stress (zz = 0) PV: 2 displacements, SV: 3 stresses Plane Strain ( zz = 0) PV: 2 displacements, SV: 3 stresses (and zz ) Axisymmetric (/ = 0) PV: 2 displacements, SV: 4 stresses
FEA Stress Models, 2 2-D Approximations
Thick Shells, PV: 3 displacements (no rotations), SV: 5 (or 6) stresses Thin Shells, PV: 3 displacements and 3 rotations, SV: 5 stresses (each at top, middle, and bottom surfaces) Plate bending PV: normal displacement, in-plane rotation vector, SV: 3 stresses (each at top, middle, and bottom surfaces)
FEA Stress Models, 3 1-D Approximations
Bars (Trusses), PV: 3 displacements (1 local displacement), SV: 1 axial stress Torsion member, PV: 3 rotations (1 local rotation), SV: 1 torsional stress Beams (Frames), PV: 3 displacements, 3 rotations, SV: local bending and shear stress Thick beam, thin beam, curved beam Pipe element, pipe elbow, pipe tee
FEA Accuracy PV are most accurate at the mesh nodes.
SV are least accurate at the mesh nodes. (SV are most accurate at the Gauss points) SV can be post-processed for accurate nodal values (and error estimates)
Local Error The error at a (non-singular) point is the product of the element size, h, the gradient of the secondary variables, and a constant dependent on the domain shape and boundary conditions. Large gradient points need small h Small gradient points can have large h Plan local mesh size with engineering judgement.
Error Estimators Global and element error estimates are often available from mathematical norms of the secondary variables. The energy norm is the most common. It is proven to be asymptotically exact for elliptical problems. Typically want less than 1 % error.
Error Estimates Quite good for elliptic problems (thermal, elasticity, ideal flow), Navier-Stokes, etc. Can predict the new mesh size needed to reach the required accuracy. Can predict needed polynomial degree. Require second post-processing pass for localized (element level) smoothing.
Primary FEA Assumptions
Model geometry Material Properties Failure Criterion, Factor of safety Mesh(s) Element type, size, degree Source (Load) Cases Combined cases, Factors of safety, Coord. Sys. Boundary conditions Coordinate system(s)
Primary FEA Matrix Costs
Assume sparse banded linear algebra system of E equations, with a half-bandwidth of B. Full system if B = E. Storage required, S = B * E (Mb) Solution Cost, C B * E (time) Half symmetry: B B/2, E E/2, S S/4, C C/8 Quarter symmetry: B B/4, E E/4, S S/16, C C/64 Eighth symmetry, Cyclic symmetry, ...
Symmetry and Anti-symmetry
Use symmetry states for the maximum accuracy at the least cost in stress and thermal problems. Cut the object with symmetry planes (or surfaces) and apply new boundary conditions (EBC or NBC) to account for the removed material.
Symmetry (Anti-symmetry)
Requires symmetry of the geometry and material properties. Requires symmetry (anti-symmetry) of the source terms. Requires symmetry (anti-symmetry) of the essential boundary conditions.
Structural Model Symmetry Anti-symmetry
Zero displacement normal to surface Zero rotation vector tangent to surface Anti-symmetry Zero displacement vector tangent to surface Zero rotation normal to surface
Thermal Model Symmetry Anti-symmetry
Zero gradient normal to surface (insulated surface, zero heat flux) Anti-symmetry Average temperature on surface known
Local Singularities All elliptical problems have local radial gradient singularities near re-entrant corners in the domain. u = r p f(q) u/r = r (p-1) f(q) Radius, r Corner: p = 2/3, weak Crack: p = 1/2, strong Strength, p = p/C u/r as r 0 Re-entrant, C
Stress Analysis Verification, 1
Prepare initial estimates of deflections, reactions and stresses. Eyeball check the deflected shape and the principal stress vectors.
Stress Analysis Verification, 2
The stresses often depend only on the shape of the part and are independent of the material properties. You must also verify the displacements which almost always depend on the material properties.
Stress Analysis Verification, 3
The reaction resultant forces and/or moments are equal and opposite to the actual applied loading. For pressures or tractions remember to compare their integral (resultant) to the solution reactions. Reactions can be obtained at elements too.
Stress Analysis Verification, 4
Compare displacements, reactions and stresses to initial estimates. Investigate any differences. Check maximum error estimates, if available in the code.
Thermal Analysis Verification, 1
Prepare initial estimates of the temperatures, reaction flux, and heat flux vectors. Eyeball check the temperature contours and the heat flux vectors. Temperature contours should be perpendicular to an insulated boundary.
Thermal Analysis Verification, 2
The temperatures often depend only on the shape of the part. Verify the heat flux magnitudes which almost always depend on the material properties.
Thermal Analysis Verification, 3
The reaction resultant nodal heat fluxes are equal and opposite to the applied heat fluxes. For distributed heat fluxes remember to compare their integral (resultant) to the solution reactions. Reactions can be obtained at elements too.
Thermal Analysis Verification, 4
Compare temperatures, reactions and heat flux vectors to initial estimates. Investigate any differences. Check maximum error estimates, if available in the code.
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