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Parallel Algorithm Design using Spectral Graph Theory

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1 Parallel Algorithm Design using Spectral Graph Theory
Gary L Miller 1

2 Spectral Graph Theory Use linear algebra to solve graph problems
Use graph theory to solve linear algebra problems We start with 1.

3 Talking Point We need to develop fast parallel primitives that have many applications An important primitive: linear system solvers.

4 oldest Computational Problem

5 Image Denoising Image Segmentation
Given image + noise, recover image. Space X Moon Launch

6 Convex Programs as a higher Primitive
Linear programs Maximum Flow in a graph. Minimum cost maximum flow Single source shortest path General Convex Programs Image denoising Machine Learning

7 Interior point methods for Convex Programs
Karmarker, Renagar, Ye, Nesterov, Nemirovsky, Boyd, Vanderburghe, INPUT: Convex program with m constraints RUNTIME: O(√ m) linear system solves. One of the major breakthroughs of the 20th century. How fast is the solver?

8 Special Linear Systems
A is Symmetric Diagonally Dominant (SDD) Symmetric. Diagonal entry at least sum of absolute values of off diagonals.

9 Problems whose interior point pivot is a SDD system
Linear programs Maximum Flow in a graph. Minimum cost maximum flow Single source shortest path General Convex Programs Image denoising Several Machine Learning problems

10 Fundamental Problem: Solving Linear Systems
n-by-n m non-zero entries Given matrix A, vector b Find vector x such that Ax=b Maybe draw matrix Ok with almost exact solutions

11 Fast SDD solvers Input: n by n SDD matrix A with m non-zeros vector b
Output: Approximate solution x to Ax=b. Runtime: O(m log n log(1/ε)) Parallel solver, O(m1/3) depth and nearly-linear work

12 Theoretical Applications of SDD Solvers: Multipule Iterations
Learning on graphical models. Planar graph embeddings. Finite Element PDEs Generating random spanning Maximum flow

13 The Graph algorithms in the solver
Low Stretch Spanning Trees

14 A better tree Recursive ‘C’ Construction

15 Future directions Going from theory to practice.
Fundamental algorithm design missing More applications Work-efficient parallelizations? Fast solvers for Symmetric Positive Definite systems.

16 Thank You! 16

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