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Glenburnie Oakwood Leechford Bonnington

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Presentation on theme: "Glenburnie Oakwood Leechford Bonnington"— Presentation transcript:

1 Glenburnie Oakwood Leechford Bonnington
Robert Owen Memorial Primary School - Houses Glenburnie Oakwood Leechford Bonnington Where do these names come from?

2 What does the word Lanimer(s) mean?
LANARK LANIMERS What does the word Lanimer(s) mean? Land Marches.

3 How many march stones does Lanark have today?
How old are the Lanimers? Lanark may the only town that has checked its boundaries every year since 1140. And how many years ago was that? 876 How many march stones does Lanark have today? 17

4 What is a march stone? It is a stone that is placed somewhere on the boundary of a piece of land.

5 Glenburnie

6 Oakwood

7 Oakwood

8 Leechford

9 Leechford

10 Bonnington

11 Bonnington


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