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WP6 Pilot Set-up, Model Calibration and Assessment

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1 WP6 Pilot Set-up, Model Calibration and Assessment
Peter Rosengren, Ulf Wingstedt, Peter Kool

2 T6.2 Tertiary Buildings infrastructures installations
M15-M34 Partners: CNet (4), CERTH-ITI (3), INDESIT (3), ALMENDE (2), HYPERTECH (3) Physical installation of the INERTIA platform in the pilot, basic system configuration and on-field testing software, supporting hardware, communication networks, interface with existing monitoring and control systems

3 T6.2 Tertiary Buildings infrastructures installations
Deliverables D6.2.1 INERTIA prototype rollout on pilot infrastructures (M26, CNET) D6.2.2 INERTIA prototype rollout on pilot infrastructures (update, M34, CNET)

4 T6.2 Subtasks Installations and configurations @CERTH premises
Sensors, actuators, DERs, devices Middleware Gateway and Local Hub Server Communications infrastructure Middleware configuration Data Portal for validation of flow of events

5 T6.2 Progress this period The task started at M15 (December 2013)
Installation and configuration of an INERTIA server Remote access is enabled Installations and verification of OPC Client/Server software Procurement of sensors/actuators for initial pilot installations Developers’ Office Meeting Room

6 T6.2 Next steps Phase 1: February Phase 2: March Meeting @CERTH
Gradual installation of Plugwise and EnOcean Devices and their connection with the LinkSmart Software Scope: Meeting Room and Developers’ Office Phase 2: March OPC Server integrated in LinkSmart with data extraction from the BMS Smart Dishwasher Integration Evaluation of initial set-up, problem solving

7 T6.2 Next steps Phase 3: TBD Phase 4: TBD Adjustments and improvements
Additional DER/sensor support Occupancy Sensors Phase 4: TBD Extension with additional rooms/spaces TECNALIA physical/virtual DER

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