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Purifying Challenge Lv4: Describe the term purifying

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1 Purifying Challenge Lv4: Describe the term purifying
Lv5:Create a method for separation. Lv6: Separate a mixture into its 4 components. Entrance Activity You are going to separate a mixture containing stones, sand, salt and water. What methods do you think you’re going to use to separate them into single components. Purifying challenge Purifying Distillation Condensing Evaporation Equipment

2 Purifying Challenge Sieving Filtering Distilling
Your challenge is to separate the mixture in front of you into its original components. In todays method you are going to write an equipment list, a method, and a risk assessment for this challenge. Learning Activity Which separation techniques are you going to use for this experiment and in which order are you going to do them in? Sieving Filtering Distilling

3 “ I have chosen to use the 300ml beaker because…”
Equipment list Learning Activity 10mins Write down a list of all the equipment you think you will require for this experiment. To produce a higher level equipment list justify why you have selected each piece of equipment. “ I have chosen to use the 300ml beaker because…” Equipment Justification

4 Lv5: Detailed list of instructions which includes measurements.
Method Learning Activity 15mins Breakdown your method into 3 separate methods (Sieving, filtering, and distilling) Give a step by step list of instructions on how you are going to do your experiment. (You may also wish to include a diagram to help you.) Success criteria Lv4: Simple list of instructions which are simplistic and easy to follow. Lv5: Detailed list of instructions which includes measurements. Lv6: Level 5 complete, additional information regarding equipment and health and safety also attached.

5 Then move onto a new piece of work and do the same thing.
Assessment Activity M.M.I 5mins Move . Move . Improve Move round the room and find some ones work to look over. Read their method and their Equipment list and write down three feedback notes. (Positive and negative) Then move onto a new piece of work and do the same thing. Finally, improve

6 Risk assessment Learning Activity 5mins A risk assessment describes the risks involved with an experiment and methods of reducing those risks. Scientists have to create a risk assessment for every lesson regardless of how dangerous it is. Learning Activity 1 Brainstorm 5 hazards that are involved with your experiment. Discuss them with your partner, then write down and describe why they are hazards in the hazard box of our risk assessment. Risk Assessment Risk Those at risk Method of reducing risk

7 Risk assessment Learning Activity 3mins A risk assessment describes the risks involved with an experiment and methods of reducing those risks. Scientists have to create a risk assessment for every lesson regardless of how dangerous it is. Learning Activity 2 Next identify who is at risk. Is it the teacher? Is it you? Is it the students next to you? Risk Assessment Hazards Those at risk Method of reducing risk

8 Risk assessment Learning Activity 3mins A risk assessment describes the risks involved with an experiment and methods of reducing those risks. Scientists have to create a risk assessment for every lesson regardless of how dangerous it is. Learning Activity 3 Finally, write methods of reducing the risk or removing the risk. Lv4: One method of reducing risk described. Lv5: Multiple methods of reducing risk described. Risk Assessment Hazards Those at risk Method of reducing risk

9 Purifying Challenge Lv4: Describe the term purifying
Lv5:Create a method for separation. Lv6: Separate a mixture into its 4 components. Entrance Activity Examine the container in front of you. It contains a number of different substances which you need to identify and write down in your books. Purifying challenge Purifying Distillation Condensing Evaporation Equipment

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