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Presentation on theme: "CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION"— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit II: list of topics Large scale production
Economies of large scale production Stages of Construction planning and scheduling Work Breakdown Structure Bar charts, limitations of bar charts Network techniques in construction management CPM and PERT Network Problems

3 Network techniques in construction management
Network techniques are effective tools for Planning Scheduling and controlling construction jobs Network techniques provide a rational approach Application of these techniques essential to meet higher productivities with constraint on resources such as time, capital, skilled man power, equipment e.t.c., The two commonly used network techniques are Critical Path Method (CPM) Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

4 CPM PERT Developed by US Du Pont Corporation & Remington Rand in 1956
Activity oriented Single time estimate Deterministic approach activities are shown as a network of precedence relationships using activity-on-node network construction CPM is used for repetitive types of projects where the time estimates for various activities are either known or can be determined accurately CPM places emphasis upon optimising allocation of resources and minimizing overall project cost Developed by US Navy during while working on Polaris Missile program Event oriented Three time estimates To , Tl, Tp , Probabilistic approach activities are shown as a network of precedence relationships using activity-on-arrow network construction PERT is used for pioneering type (R&D) projects and where prior data about activity times is not available PERT lays emphasis on reducing project completion time without cost constraint

5 Program Evaluation & Review Technique
Three time estimates used in PERT are Optimistic Time Estimate (To): shortest possible time under ideal conditions Most likely Time Estimate (Tm): time for completing activity under normal conditions Pessimistic Time Estimate (Tp): Maximum time required to complete activity under extremely adverse conditions in which everything goes wrong Expected Time Estimate (Te) = (To + 4Tm + Tp )/6 Estimation Trend assumed to follow Beta Distribution curve To < Tm < Tp Std.Deviation of activity =(Tp-To)/6 Higher the SD greater the uncertainty Variance of activity =(SD)2 Variance reflects the spread of a value over a normal distribution

6 Three time estimates and Expected time
S.No Activity To Tl Tp Te 1 Driving precast piles for a bridge abutment 22 30 50 2 Erecting roof trusses for factory shed 11 14 17 3 Concreting foundation for turbo-generator 5 1/4 6 4 Fabricating sheet metal AC ducts for an auditorium 12 16 5 SD 4.67 1.00 0.50 0.83 V 21.78 1.00 0.25 0.69 32 14 5 15.5

7 Immediate predecessor
Activity Immediate predecessor Opt.Time Most likely Time Pessimistic Time a - 10 22 b 20 c 4 16 d 2 14 32 e b,c 8 f g h 12 I g,h 6 38 j d,e Expected Time 20 10 15 14 4 11 18 8 Std.Dev 2 5 Variance 4 25 5 28

8 Terminology used in Network Techniques
Activity (ij): a specific task, operation, job or function which consumes time & resources and has a definite beginning and end Event: An instantaneous point in time marking the beginning or end of one or more activities. It consumes no time or resources Network / Flow diagram: the diagrammatic representation of a work plan showing the activities, step by step, leading to the established goal. It depicts the interdependence among the various activities Duration (tij): Estimated time required to complete an activity Dummy activity: activity with zero duration and no resource consumption SUCCESSOR PRECEEDING ACTIVITY EVENT

9 Basic Rules for developing Network
No activity can commence until all preceding activities have been completed A dummy activity is introduced in the network either to show dependency or to avoid duplicate numbering of activities Build Wall 1 3 4 Plaster wall CC Pier 1 3 4 Erect Beams 2 PreCast Beams

10 Basic Rules for developing Network
Event numbers must not be duplicated 3logics considered to place an activity in the network Preceding activity Succeeding activity Simultaneously occurring activity No activity should lead back to a previous event (no looping) Only one start and only one finish No dangling activity

11 Network elements Sequential Activities Diverging Activities
Converging Activities Parallel Activities Build Wall 1 3 4 Plaster wall CC Pier 1 3 2 PreCast Beams CC Pier 1 3 Erect Beams 2 PreCast Beams C D A B

12 Situations in network diagram
B C A must finish before either B or C can start A B C both A and B must finish before C can start D C B A both A and B must finish before either of C or D can start A C B D Dummy A must finish before B can start both A and C must finish before D can start

13 Examples Of The Use Of Dummy Activity
Examples Of The Use Of Dummy Activity ---Dummy Network concurrent activities 1 2 3 a WRONG!!! b Dummy RIGHT  1 2 Activity c not required for e a b c d e WRONG!!! RIGHT 

14 b and c precede f (a does not precede f)
a precedes d. a and b precede e, b and c precede f (a does not precede f) WRONG!!! RIGHT!!! a d a d 1 1 b e b 2 2 4 e c f c f 3 3

15 Network Representation
Activity On Node (AON) Activities are represented on nodes and arrows are used to show the dependency relationships Duration is also indicated in the node Activity On Arrow (AOA): Activities are represented by Arrows drawn left to right Activity description written above the arrow and duration below it An event is graphically represented by a number enclosed in a circle The beginning of an activity is marked by a “tail event” or preceding event and the end by a “head event” or succeeding event A 2 start B 3 Pour concrete Tail Event 1 2 Head Event 2 Days


17 Immediate Predecessor
Network Development Events 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Immediate Predecessor - 3,5 3,4 3,7 3,6,8,9 4 7 9 8 1 2 3 10 6 5

18 Network Development 7 4 2 10 5 9 1 6 3 8 X K E Q Z A B J C F G
Activities: A,B,E,Q,K,X,J,Z,G,F,C Logic A&B can be carried out at the same time. They represent the beginning of the job K follows E X depends on Q&K Neither F nor G can be started before B is completed, but they can be concurrently performed E&Q follow A Q must be carried out before J C depends on the completion of F&G E&Q can be executed at the same time Z can only be started when C,X and J are finished Z is the last activity 5 X 7 4 K 2 E Q 9 Z 10 1 A B J 6 C 8 3 F G

19 Network Development 2 4 1 3 6 5 S N O M R P Q T
Activities: M,N,O,P,Q,R,S and T Logic Activities M,N and Q can start concurrently and represent start of the project Activities O&P are concurrent and depend on completion of both M&N Activities R&S are concurrent and depend on the completion of O Activity T depends upon the completion of P,Q&R The project is complete when S&T are completed 2 4 1 M Q N S O 3 6 R T P 5

20 Immediate predecessor
Network Development .. Activity Immediate predecessor a - b c d e b,c f g h I g,h j d,e d 2 5 1 b c a j e f 7 3 g i 4 6 h

21 Network Analysis Earliest Event Time(TE): It is the earliest possible occurrence of an event i.e. the earliest possible time when all activities leading to an event will be completed. Early Start Time (EST) Early Finish Time (EFT) Latest allowable Event Time (TL): ): It is the latest possible occurrence of an event without delaying the project completion time i.e. the latest time when all activities leading to an event may be completed without delaying project completion time Late Start Time (LST) Late Finish Time (LFT)

22 Float in Activities Total Float (FT): The maximum time by which an activity can be delayed without delaying project completion time. FT =LST-EST=LFT-EFT Free Float= TEj-EFT Independent Float=(TEj – TLj)- tij Critical Activities: Activities which have zero total float Critical Path: The path joining the critical activities

23 Network Analysis Forward Pass: Backward Pass:
Determine EST and EFT for each Task For all Initial Tasks, EST = 0, EFT equals EST plus Duration The EST for all other tasks with tail [i] is equal to the largest value of EFT for all tasks with head [i] Project Completion Time is the largest value of EFT for all Final Tasks Backward Pass: Determine LFT and LST for each Task For all final Tasks, LFT =EFT, LST equals LFT minus Duration The LFT for all other tasks with head [j], is equal to the smallest value of LST for all tasks with tail [j] At least one Initial Task must have LST = 0; none may be negative

24 Activity (ij) Duration (Tij) Earliest Latest Total Float EST EFT LST LFT 1-2 2 1-3 3 2-4 4 3-4 5 4-5 6 Draw Network Calculate float Identify Critical Path 2 2 4 2 3 3 2 6 4 8 2 3 8 3 8 8 14 8 14 Critical Path: 4 5 1 2 2 4 6 3 5 3

25 Critical Path: a-b-c-d-e-f
Activity (ij) Duration (Tij) Earliest Latest Total Float EST EFT LST LFT a-b 6 a-c 8 b-c 4 c-d b-d 3 c-e d-e 10 e-f Draw Network Calculate float Identify Critical Path 6 6 8 2 10 2 6 10 6 10 10 10 10 10 6 9 7 10 1 10 16 14 20 4 10 20 10 20 20 23 20 23 Critical Path: a-b-c-d-e-f d a b 6 3 4 10 8 c e f 3 6

26 Activity (ij) Duration (Tij) Earliest Latest Total Float EST EFT LST LFT 1-2 5 1-3 4 2-3 2-4 2-6 7.5 3-4 5.5 3-5 6.2 4-5 6.3 4-6 5-6 4.3 Draw Network Calculate float Identify Critical Path 5 5 4 1 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 9 6.5 10.5 1.5 5 12.5 13.6 21.1 8.6 5 10.5 5 10.5 5 11.2 10.6 16.8 5.6 10.5 16.8 10.5 16.8 10.5 15.5 5.6 16.1 21.1 16.8 21.1 16.8 21.1 2 6 7.5 4 5 5 4 4.3 5.5 1 6.3 4 6.2 5 Critical Path: 3

27 BENEFITS of CPM/PERT Network in execution of projects
Consistent framework for planning, scheduling, monitoring, and controlling project Calendar-wise construction schedule of activities useful to draw schedule of men, machinery and material Inter-relationship and sequence of various activities are clear from network During execution of the work the productivity constants can be revised In the event of the program getting upset due to some unforeseen reasons, a revised CPM chart can be prepared and prompt action can be taken to avoid further loss of resources The network scheduling ensures the optimum use of the men, machines and material The executive gets a reliable and valuable aid to assess progress of the work

Helps proper communication between departments and functions. Determines Expected project completion date Identifies critical activities, which can delay the project completion time Identifies Non-critical activities with slacks that can be delayed for specified periods without penalty, or from which resources may be temporarily borrowed Determines the dates on which tasks may be started or must be started if the project is to stay in schedule. Shows which tasks must be coordinated to avoid resource or timing conflicts. Shows which task may run in parallel to meet project completion date

29 Clarifications and discussion…..

30 Determine the critical path in the network shown below and calculate earliest project completion time . Assume that the project starts at zero time. 10 10 2 D A C 12 10 9 33 33 19 19 47 47 10 12 G I K 4 5 7 8 1 7 10 14 B E H J 6 8 4 6 F 3 6 6 4 6 27 27

31 Determine the critical path in the network shown below and calculate earliest project completion time . Assume that the project starts at zero time. 4 5 1 D 5 10 10 A 3 11 11 6 K J 7 L 1 8 8 2 5 4 4 E 16 16 4 I B 2 8 1 4 4 H F 3 4 C 5 2 G 8 8 6 3 7 10

32 5 d h g a e b 1 2 3 4 7 8 c f 6 2. Await quotations for the new mixer
1. Prepare specifications and call quotations 6.Install power supply 7. Install new mixer 8. Connect power supply 5. Prepare platform for installation of mixer 3. Prepare comparative statement and place order 4. Await delivery of mixer 5 d h g a e b 1 2 3 4 7 8 c f 6


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