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Presentation on theme: "ZŠ KÚPEĽNÁ MOJIMI OČAMI"— Presentation transcript:

Soňa Sabolová IX.B

2 When I look at my school I have many different feelings. I see building. Big renovated building. Also I know what is inside. Nice classrooms, canteen, gyms, halls and computer classrooms... But these things are not the most important part of our school. Do you know what is? It‘s better to ask who is. The most important part of our school are people who spend their time here.Teachers and students. They create real life there.

3 I am student of this school for almost nine years and I really like it there. I spend here the most of my time. I must say, school is not only about learning and studying. It is not always boring. You can meet here new people, make friends, go on trips and have fun together! In this school there is always fun. Teachers here are very friendly and helpful. Honestly, I like going to school and the main reason are my classmates. Because they are not only my classmates. They are my real friends.

4 We don‘t spend time only at school
We don‘t spend time only at school. We celebrate our birthdays or we have Christmas parties. In summer we have barbecues or we go to the swimming pool. Once we were at Domaša together. It was real adventure! Photos from summer barbecue


6 At school we have many events
At school we have many events. It is always good for students and also for teachers to have a rest and stop studying. The most favourite events are sports events for example Christmas sport competition or summer sport event „Šport nás spája“. Very famous is also School May academy. In my opinion the best school event is school Valentine ball. It was one of the most beautiful experiences at school for me.

7 Very favourite are also school trips and excursions
Very favourite are also school trips and excursions. We have visited for example Krakow, Oswiecim,Liptovský Mikuláš,Dolný Kubín,Jasenová,Košice,Dukla,Svidník,Bardejov,Castle Krásna hôrka,Lubovňa castle,Zádiel,Sabinka cottage,High Tatras,Orava castle and many museums... We also have been to english language course in Kysak. At the end of every school year we go to together on trip.


9 We have our own school television called „K2“ for 2 years. I work there. I think it is really good for me to try how to work with camera, microphone and how to not be shy. I think I am talkative person so it is good for me and I am thankful that I can work there because I like it.

10 I like being at Kúpeľná school
I like being at Kúpeľná school. The most important for me are people who I spend my time at school with. I am so glad I have so good classmates, teachers and friends here. I know it won‘t be easy to say „Goodbye“ at the end of this school year. You know, nine years is very long time. Suddenly in that one moment you have to say „Bye“ and leave this school, these people and start to attend some another school. I will miss everything what I have experienced here. Although, I know it is my big step to the future...Thank you Kúpeľná for being my second home for nine years...



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