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Bacteria: Friend or foe?

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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria: Friend or foe?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bacteria: Friend or foe?

2 Bacteria, friend or foe…?
We have learned lots already about the detriments of bacteria… They do smell bad… Disease Antibiotic resistance Biofilm formation* Spoilage But are these microorganisms vital to our survival? Yup… and then some!

3 Just based on what we have discussed so far, are bacteria…
Bad? Good?

4 Bacterial Benefits Evolution Health Food Environment & Industry

5 Evolution of Bacteria Bacteria are considered some of our earliest ancestors Evolution took us from single celled bacterium like organisms, to the complex diversity of Eukaryotic life we observe today! Evolutionary arms race between different bacteria in early Earth is the reason for many of the antibiotics we have today! Evolution of photosynthetic bacteria gave rise to the oxygen in our atmosphere, and the wide diversity of plants on Earth.

6 Scientists believe there are over 8 million different species of bacteria on our planet
Estimated 10,000 different species in a single spoonful of soil Yet… Why do we think this is?

7 Bacteria and Health Yes, bacteria cause horrible diseases in humans…
But… bacteria are incredibly important to our health and well-being!

8 Bacteria and Health Bifidobacterium Longum
This microorganism is found in large amounts in the intestines of infants. make an environment that is toxic to many virulent bacteria. In this way, they serve to protect humans.

9 Bacteria and Health Bacteroides Thetaiotamicron
Humans cannot on their own digest many plant food molecules. This bacteria allows humans to digest the components.

10 Bacteria and Health Lactobacillus Johnsonii This bacterium is of critical importance to humans, especially infants. It is found in the gut and makes the process of milk digestion smoother

11 There are many others, some of which we have already learned about!
Bacteria and Health There are many others, some of which we have already learned about! E.coli Lactobacillus Our own microbiome keeps the bad bacteria at bay!

12 The importance of our Microflora
Our Gut microflora is a major determinant of our own health. Research has shown that a weak human microflora has been linked to… colon cancer, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diabetes, and obesity* rheumatoid arthritis anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, ADD, autism, and Alzheimer’s disease

13 Well, can we do something about it?
Why of course! Prebiotics + probiotics (more on that later) Would you take a poop pill? C.difficile A “poop pill” puts a collection of healthy organisms from a “poop donor” into your GI tract, which will colonize your body and prevent the over growth of C.diff Link to obesity and other disorders… possible cure

14 Food Bacteria, and bacterial enzymes are found in many consumer products, including, but certainly not limited to… Dairy products (cheese, yoghurt) Fermented foods (sauerkraut, pickles) Bacteria are involved in manufacturing many of the chocolates we enjoy today… and a bacterial enzyme is used to put the caramel in caramilk bars Invertase produced by Lactobacillus

15 Food Pre-biotics Enzymes in food, which aid in the growth and metabolism of your own bacteria Probiotics Live bacteria found in consumer products such as yoghurt, protein powder etc.

16 Environment and Industry
Important in composting process Used in textiles Leather jackets Detergents Cleaning ingredients in detergents are enzymes derived from bacteria! Tide Cold Water contains enzymes found in bacteria that are active in very cold environments

17 Industry Biomining A process which involves using bacteria to mine for minerals, or recover excess minerals or oil from abandoned mine sites. Acidiothiobacillus ferroxidans

18 This is just a brief intro to the many things bacteria do for us!
So with all of this in mind… bacteria, friend or foe?


20 Work on/finish 24.1-3 reviews!
To Do Now… Work on/finish reviews! Bacterial shapes lab if you have not finished (Due Wednesday)

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