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Welcome! Power BI User Group (PUG)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Power BI User Group (PUG)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Power BI User Group (PUG)

2 All things R with Power BI
David L. Bojsen Cloud Solution Architect, Advanced Analytics and AI Microsoft Denmark

3 Meet Your Presenter David L. Bojsen
Previously application/integration developer Past 11 years focus on data and BI Past 2 years focus on Cloud, IoT at Microsoft

4 Session Agenda Session objectives What is R
Setting up your environment Data manipulation/enhancement thru R Visualizing data thru R Support for R in the Power BI Service When to use R in Power BI

5 Poll How many consider themselves a data scientist? a BI professional?
a BI superuser?

6 Poll How many are completely new to R?

7 All things R with Power BI
At the end of this session, you should be better able to… Understand the possibilities for using R in Power BI Know how to go home and set up your own environment

8 What is R Wikipedia: R (programming language)

9 What is R “R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics” Capabilities include Statistical Analysis Modeling and Data Visualization

10 What is R Source:

11 Setting up your environment

12 We will need... Power BI Desktop
An R installation – suggest Microsoft R Open (Optional) An R IDE R Studio R Tools for Visual Studio (RTVS) Update configuration in Power BI Desktop

13 Demo

14 Data manipulation/enhancement

15 Going all in - the R script data connector
Running R Scripts in Power BI Desktop

16 Things to be aware of Reference all dependent packages
Only data frames are imported (not complex/vectors) All data frames available in navigator NA is translated to NULL 30 minute time out

17 Demo

18 Partial approach - R script as part of query editor
Using R in Query Editor

19 Demo

20 Data visualization

21 R visuals from Office store
Advanced Analytics Custom visuals for Power BI

22 Your own custom R visualizations
Create Power BI visuals using R

23 Current limitations Data size limitations – data used by the R visual for plotting is limited to 150,000 rows. If more than 150,000 rows are selected, only the top 150,000 rows are used and a message is displayed on the image. Calculation time limitation – if an R visual calculation exceeds 5 minutes the execution times out, resulting in an error. Relationships – as with other Power BI Desktop visuals, if data fields from different tables with no defined relationship between them are selected, an error occurs. R visuals are refreshed upon data updates, filtering, and highlighting. However, the image itself is not interactive and cannot be the source of cross-filtering. R visuals respond to highlighting other visuals, but you cannot click on elements in the R visual in order to cross filter other elements. Only plots that are plotted to the R default display device are displayed correctly on the canvas. Avoid explicitly using a different R display device.

24 Interactive R custom visuals
Interactive R custom visuals support is here!

25 Your own interactive R custom visuals
Building R Powered Custom Visual with HTML output

26 Bringing it from your machine into the Power BI Service

27 What is supported in the Power BI Service
Data manipulation / enhancement Only supported with the On-Premises data gateway setup in personal mode Visuals / interactive visuals A subset of CRAN packages are supported R packages in the Power BI service You can request packages to be added

28 Demo

29 When to use R in Power BI

30 When to use R in Power BI No dedicated modeling capability (read: small R implementations) Robust visualizations; beyond what Power BI can provide Augment Power BI, don’t try to replace it Data manipulation beyond DAX capabilities Integrating R modeling capabilities into PowerQuery

31 Questions?

32 Thank you for Attending!
Don’t forget to join your local PUG to enjoy year-round networking and learning.

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