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How to Help a Friend with an Eating Disorder

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1 How to Help a Friend with an Eating Disorder
Adapted by: Cassy Hunter

2 What is Disordered Eating?
Disordered eating is when a person’s attitudes about food, weight, and body size lead to very rigid eating and exercise habits that jeopardize one’s health, happiness and safety. It may begin as a way to lose a few pounds or get in shape, but these behaviors can quickly get out of control, become obsessions and may even turn into an eating disorder. Most eating disorders are driven by an intense fear and preoccupation about weight gain.

3 Types of Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa: severe restriction of food intake Bulimia Nervosa: cycle of constant bingeing and purging Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder: a mix of anorexia and/or bulimia and/or binge-eating symptoms; does not fall into one specific category Binge Eating Disorder: recurrent bingeing episodes without compensatory behaviors

4 Myths about Eating Disorders
Myth #1: You have to be underweight to have an eating disorder People with eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes. Many individuals with eating disorders are average weight or overweight Myth #2: Only teenage girls and young women are affected by eating disorders While eating disorders are most common in young women in their teens and early twenties, they are found in men and women of all ages Myth #3: Eating disorders aren’t really that dangerous All eating disorders can lead to irreversible and even life-threatening health problems. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses.

5 What Causes Eating Disorders?
Psychological Factors Low self-esteem Feelings of inadequacy or lack of control in life Depression, anxiety, anger, or loneliness Social Factors Cultural pressures that glorify "thinness" and place value on obtaining the "perfect body" Narrow definitions of beauty that include only women and men of specific body weights and shapes Cultural norms that value people on the basis of physical appearance and not inner qualities and strengths Troubled family and personal relationships Difficulty expressing emotions and feelings History of physical or sexual abuse Other Factors Scientists are still researching possible biochemical or biological causes of eating disorders. Eating disorders often run in families. Current research indicates that there are significant genetic contributions to eating disorders.

6 Warning Signs! A marked increase or decrease in weight not related to a medical condition. The development of abnormal eating habits such as severe dieting, preference for strange foods, withdrawn or ritualized behavior at mealtime, or secretive bingeing. An intense preoccupation with weight and body image. Compulsive or excessive exercising. Self induced vomiting, periods of fasting, or laxative, diet pill or diuretic abuse. Feelings of isolation, depression or irritability.

7 Why Intervene? Intervention is important because it breaks down the walls of denial and secrecy surrounding the eating disorder Allows the person to accept help The sooner the eating disorder is recognized, the easier it is to treat Eating disorders are not about the food. There are underlying issues. The eating disorder is the symptom, not the problem itself

8 How to Help a Friend Focus on feelings and relationships
Express concern about their health Do not comment on how they look Avoid conflicts or a battle of the wills Avoid placing shame, blame, or guilt on your friend regarding their actions or attitudes Avoid giving simple solutions.

9 For more information:
How to Help a Friend Tips for Talking to a Friend Who May Be Struggling with an Eating Disorder Set a Time to Talk. Communicate Your Concerns. Ask Your Friend to explore these concerns with a counselor, doctor, nutritionist, or other health professional who is knowledgeable about eating issues. Be Consistent; insist on getting help. Express Your Continued Support. For more information: DON’T Be afraid to upset them, TALK about it. DON’T reject or ignore the issues. DON’T be deceived by excuses.

10 Eating Disorder Support Team… A Multidisciplinary Approach
Points of Entry: Medical Appointments: (860) Nutrition Office: (860) ; Appointments (860) Women’s Clinic Appointments: (860) Counseling & Mental Health Appointments: (860) The Humphrey Clinic: (860)

11 Valuable Resources… National Eating Disorders Association: Weigh Out: About Face: Body Positive: Largely Positive: Love Your Body: Coming Out of the Fridge: Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention: Mind on the Media: Something Fishy:

12 Resources on Campus Student Health Services (SHS):
· Counseling and Mental Health Services (CMHS): (Arjona 4th Floor) · Nursing/Medical Appointments: (first floor SHS) · Nutrition Office: , for appointments (Second floor SHS) · Women’s Clinic: (Second floor SHS) Elsewhere on Campus: · The Humphrey Clinic: UConn SHAPE

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