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A quick tool for solving problems

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1 A quick tool for solving problems
To provide feedback for the following module please with “Resilience Modules: Name of Module”” as the subject and address the following questions: On a scale from 1 (not useful) to 7 (very useful) for your classroom/workshop, how would you rate this module? On a similar scale from 1 (not enjoyable) to 7 (very enjoyable), how would you rate the participants’ experience? How likely do you think that your students/participants will use these skills later, 1 (not likely) to 7 (very likely)? If you’d like to include further information about how many participants, approximate age range, setting, etc. that would also be helpful to our mission. Compiled by the Center for the Advancement of Well-Being at George Mason University

2 S-O-L-V-E S - Select Select the problem. Identify the specific issue you want to solve. “I have no idea how to study for my orgo chem test”

3 S-O-L-V-E “Study with someone in my class; Go to office hours;
Re-write my notes; Read relevant chapters in the textbook; Wing it; Hire a tutor; Create flashcards; All-night cram session; Solve practice problems; S-O-L-V-E O - Options Generate as many options as you can think of. Don’t evaluate them yet, just list them out.

4 S-O-L-V-E “Study with someone in my class; + Go to office hours; +
Re-write my notes; +/- Read relevant chapters in the textbook; + Wing it; - Hire a tutor; +/- Create flashcards; + All-night cram session; - Solve practice problems; + S-O-L-V-E L - Likely outcome Rate the likely outcome of each option as positive, negative, or a little bit of both

5 S-O-L-V-E “Study with someone in my class; + Go to office hours; +
Re-write my notes; +/- Read relevant chapters in the textbook; + Wing it; - Hire a tutor; +/- Create flashcards; + All-night cram session; - Solve practice problems; + S-O-L-V-E V - Very best option Pick the best option. This should be an option rated positively. You can combine multiple options

6 S-O-L-V-E E - Evaluate Evaluate how well your solution worked. Did you achieve your goal? If not, the outcome wasn’t desired, so return to your options and chose another. “I received a B on my test. Not bad, better than the C- on the last one! Creating flashcards was helpful to remind myself of what I learned. Office hours were helpful, although next time I need to come prepared with more questions. Studying with classmates was okay, but we kept getting distracted and talking about other things.”

7 Problem solving tools help you to...
Break down a problem into manageable chunks Identify sources of stress Manage stress in the face of adversity Bounce back from negative life events Uncover internal conflicts Identify plausible solutions and utilize them Increase confidence in your ability to solve the problem

8 Research on problem solving
Problem-solving responses are active, conscious attempts to change a stressful situation and/or its consequences. Problem solving is assessed by identifying a person’s specific actions directed at solving a problem (e.g., brainstorming solutions, planning a course of action) and/or their tendency to use a solution-focused mindset. Problem-solving responses can have beneficial effects on emotions by modifying or eliminating stressors. People who have low problem-solving skills may be at increased risk for anxiety, depression, problematic substance use, and eating disorders. (Billings & Moos, 1981; D'Zurilla, Chang, Nottingham, & Faccinni, 1998) Cooper et al., 1992) (Chang, Downey, & Salata, 2004; Kant, D'Zurilla & Maydeu-Olivares, 1997), (Beck et al., 1979; Fairburn et al., 1995; Marlatt et al., 1988).

9 Becoming a better problem solver
Be creative in generating solutions Try out different combinations of solutions Ask your friends/classmates/family members how they solve similar situations Record what you do to help you remember what works and what doesn’t

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