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Lesson Starter Unscramble the letters to identify parts of the male and female reproductive system SEPNI AGVIAN YARVO STUURE SETTES.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Starter Unscramble the letters to identify parts of the male and female reproductive system SEPNI AGVIAN YARVO STUURE SETTES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Starter Unscramble the letters to identify parts of the male and female reproductive system SEPNI AGVIAN YARVO STUURE SETTES

2 Learning Intention To learn about menstruation
To be able to describe the process of fertilisation To understand why fertilisation is a difficult process

3 Ovulation Puberty in females- age 9-14 (approx)
1 egg released from ovary each month OVULATION Fertile- body sexually mature to carry babies Uterus prepares- thick, spongy lining

4 Menstruation If egg meets sperm- fertilisation, can become baby
Unfertilised, lining of uterus and egg pass out Bleed MENSTRUATION (periods) 3-7 days

5 The Menstrual Cycle Egg maturing  Ovulation  menstruation = menstrual cycle Varies in length for each female Cramps Bloating Mood swings Spots

6 Fertilisation Day 14 (roughly) of menstrual cycle
Egg meets sperm in fallopian tube- fertilised Fertilised egg implants Uterus lining stays No period

7 Try and answer questions from the video
Why do most sperm die trapped in the vagina? What percentage of sperm make it to the cervix? Why do the white blood cells kill sperm? How many days can the female body hold the sperm cells for in her fallopian tubes? What happens to the sperm cells when the egg is released? What happens if more than 1 sperm enters the egg cell?

8 Sexual Intercourse Man inserts penis into female vagina
Ejaculates releasing semen Semen= sperm (250 million), fluid, sugar

9 Journey of sperm Semen released at top of vagina
Swims through cervix, uterus, into fallopian tube Approx 48 hours If egg present- fertilisation occurs Strongest sperm fertilises egg

10 The Zygote Egg and Sperm nucleus fuse- fertilisation New cell= zygote
1 cell divides ( etc) Implants in uterus Grows into baby

11 Task Ovulation Menstruation Menstrual cycle Sexual Intercourse
Write down the definitions of the new words we have learned today: Ovulation Menstruation Menstrual cycle Sexual Intercourse Ejaculation Semen Fertilisation Zygote

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