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6-8 Mathematics Updates 2017 NCCTM Conference

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Presentation on theme: "6-8 Mathematics Updates 2017 NCCTM Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 6-8 Mathematics Updates 2017 NCCTM Conference
Lisa Ashe, Joseph Reaper, & Denise Schulz K-12 Mathematics and Science K-2 Standards, Curriculum and Instruction

2 The Math Section at DPI Recently left DPI
Dr. Jennifer Curtis – now with RTI Kitty Rutherford – Retired and now with DODEA in Germany Nina Barrett – now in law school With these changes, the math section has combined with the science section to form the math and science section, with our new section chief, Beverly Vance.

3 Let’s Talk Math! Directions:
Without discussion, paper/pencil, or tech, work on the following problem. Use the hand signal at your chest to show you have an answer. Try to find more then one way to arrive at the answer.

4 Let’s Talk Math! Using only multiplication and division, how can you change 3 to 5?

5 Let’s Talk Math! What is a 125% increase of $150?

6 Let’s Talk Math! What is (2.5x103)(1x10-5)?

7 Agenda Standards Revision New Resources Realigned Resources
Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) Questions

8 Standards Revision

9 Policy & Process SCOS-012 Policy delineating the Standard Course of Study Curriculum Development Process Completed Steps: Review data and research, surveys and other feedback Establish writing teams and develop drafts of proposed changes Submit draft for public review and input Revise draft as necessary Submit to State Board of Education for discussion and approval Conduct professional development for teachers and administrators

10 Closer attention to coherence
Current Standard Revised Standard 6.RP.1 Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. NC.6.RP.1 Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to: Describe a ratio as a multiplicative relationship between two quantities. Model a ratio relationship using a variety of representations. 6.RP.2 Understand the concept of a unit rate a/b associated with a ratio a:b with b ≠ 0, and use rate language in the context of a ratio relationship. NC.6.RP.2 Understand that ratios can be expressed as equivalent unit ratios by finding and interpreting both unit ratios in context Placing a stronger focus on the multiplicative relationships in and between ratios. Formerly known as the Unpacking Documents. Currently under construction at DPI to align with the official interpretation of the standards. Similar format as the NC Math 1, 2, and 3 MRI documents and differentiated to each grade level. Major focus of 6th grade: Understanding ratio relationships and using equivalent ratios to solve problems. Too much of a focus on unit rates in 6th grade often lead to a break down in understanding important concepts of proportional relationships.

11 Closer attention to coherence
Current Standard Revised Standard 6.NS.1 Interpret and compute quotients of fractions, and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions, e.g., by using visual fraction models and equations to represent the problem. NC.6.NS.1 Use visual models and common denominators to: Interpret and compute quotients of fractions. Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving division of fractions. There was a lot of confusion around this current standard. The change allows the coherence connection to 5th grade standards and clearly states the connection to common denominators to visual models, allowing students to develop an algorithm for division. (No flip and multiple!) This change also allows for more time to develop the division concept of “how many is in one” to align with the major focus of unit rates in 7th grade. This concept will still be introduced in 6th with the unit ratios, but the expectation for understanding a use will not be in 7th grade. Formerly known as the Unpacking Documents. Currently under construction at DPI to align with the official interpretation of the standards. Similar format as the NC Math 1, 2, and 3 MRI documents and differentiated to each grade level.

12 Closer attention to coherence
Revised Standard NC.5.NF.1 Add and subtract fractions, including mixed numbers, with unlike denominators using related fractions: halves, fourths and eighths; thirds, sixths, and twelfths; fifths, tenths, and hundredths. Use benchmark fractions and number sense of fractions to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness of answers. Solve one- and two-step word problems in context using area and length models to develop the algorithm. Represent the word problem in an equation. NC.6.NS.4 Understand and use prime factorization and the relationships between factors to: Find the unique prime factorization for a whole number. Find the greatest common factor of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100. Use the greatest common factor and the distributive property to rewrite the sum of two whole numbers, each less than or equal to 100. Find the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12 to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. Formerly known as the Unpacking Documents. Currently under construction at DPI to align with the official interpretation of the standards. Similar format as the NC Math 1, 2, and 3 MRI documents and differentiated to each grade level. Prime factorization is explicitly stated as an expectation. In the current standards, LCM was not introduced until 6th grade, but students were supposed to find the least common denominator to add/subtract fractions in 5th grade.

13 Identifying Gaps in Content Progression
Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade Math I Inequalities Write inequalities to represent a real-world or mathematical problem. Write and solve multi-step inequalities with the variable on one side of the equation. Equations Write and solve simple one-step equations. Write and solve multi-step equations with the variable on one side of the equation. Write and solve equations with the variable on both sides of the equation. Comparison of relationships Compare ratios Write and solve inequalities with the variable on both sides of the equation. Formerly known as the Unpacking Documents. Currently under construction at DPI to align with the official interpretation of the standards. Similar format as the NC Math 1, 2, and 3 MRI documents and differentiated to each grade level. Compare proportional relationships Compare linear relationships

14 Expanding a Standard to Allow more time for understanding
Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Operations with Negative Numbers Add and subtract integers with a focus on modeling Add and subtract negative rational numbers Multiply and divide negative rational numbers Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Summarizing Data Summarize numerical data sets by: -Calculating measures of center (Mean and Median) Formerly known as the Unpacking Documents. Currently under construction at DPI to align with the official interpretation of the standards. Similar format as the NC Math 1, 2, and 3 MRI documents and differentiated to each grade level. -Calculating measures of variability (Mean Absolute Deviation and Interquartile Range) -Describe variability

15 New Resources

16 The Unpacking Documents – the Math Resource for Instruction (MRI)
Currently under construction at DPI Aligned to official interpretation of the standards Differentiated format for each grade band Formerly known as the Unpacking Documents. Currently under construction at DPI to align with the official interpretation of the standards. Similar format as the NC Math 1, 2, and 3 MRI documents and differentiated to each grade level.

17 New Unpacking Documents being Developed for K-8 Math
(The Math Recourse for Instruction – MRI) Domain Cluster Standard SMPs The practices and commutating with mathematics Coherence what before this standard is important and how it connects to future learning Assessing for Understanding Designed for formative assessment, not EOG practice! Instructional Notes From the standards writers, what is important to know, what to do, what to avoid and what are common student challenges

18 Realigned Resources

19 6-8 Lessons for Learning 6-8 AIG Lessons

20 K-8 Math Standards Implementation Timeline
September 2017 Informational Webinar Revised Standards, At-A-Glance Documents, Comparison to Previous Standards November 2017 NCCTM Conference Feedback on Instructional Frameworks Feb.-March 2018 Regional Meetings designed for LEA/Charter Math Leads State Conferences MRI drafts released for feedback May 2018 Instructional materials completed and released June 2018 Regional PD designed for teachers

21 All resources will be housed in a Canvas course.
Every NC teacher will have access. Expect more information at Spring and Summer Regional Meetings.

22 The Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

23 PAEMST Slides

24 PAEMST Slides

25 PAEMST Slides

26 PAEMST Slides


28 PAEMST Slides

29 PAEMST Slides

30 PAEMST Slides

31 DPI Mathematics Section
Beverly Vance K-12 Mathematics & Science Section Chief Denise Schulz Elementary Mathematics Consultant Lisa Ashe Secondary Mathematics Consultant Joseph Reaper 31

32 Follow Us! NC Mathematics

33 Questions

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