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Vitiligo Josie Hufman.

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Presentation on theme: "Vitiligo Josie Hufman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vitiligo Josie Hufman

2 What is Vitiligo? Vitiligo is a skin disorder characterized by smooth, white patches on various parts of the body, caused by a loss of the natural pigment.

3 Scientific Description of Layers of Skin that is Affected
Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes (the cells that make pigment) in the skin are destroyed. Melanin is located in the basal layer which is the deepest layer of the epidermis.

4 Signs or Symptoms of Vitiligo
Pigment loss that produces milky-white patches Premature whitening or graying of hair, eyebrows or even eyelashes Loss or change of color in your retina Loss of color in the tissues that line the inside of your mouth and nose

5 Cause of Vitiligo Vitiligo occurs when melanocytes die or stop producing melanin. Doctors are unsure of why the cell fails/dies but they have ideas that it could be hereditary, disorder in immune system, or a trigger event such as sunburn, chemical exposure or even stress.  

6 Cure of Vitiligo Although Vitiligo has no cure at the time it does has different treatment options depending on the severity of the individuals case. Avoid tanning Apply sunscreen with high SPF Pigment treatment —Psoralen (Medicine to restore color) PUVA light

7 Worst Case Scenario Vitiligo is not a fatal dieses yet it can be linked to a higher risk of skin cancer. In a worst case scenario of Vitiligo all of your melanocytes would be dead/or have failed and this would cause you to be without pigment.

8 Fun Facts About 0.5 to 1 percent of the world’s population have vitiligo Michael Jackson had vitiligo People with Vitiligo have an increased risk of skin cancer

9 Sources

10 Picture Sources

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