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Combined Wastewater Treatment Using a Novel Biofilm Support in an Anaerobic Up-Flow Sludge Blanket Followed By Sand Filtration By Sohair Abou-Elela*,

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Presentation on theme: "Combined Wastewater Treatment Using a Novel Biofilm Support in an Anaerobic Up-Flow Sludge Blanket Followed By Sand Filtration By Sohair Abou-Elela*,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Combined Wastewater Treatment Using a Novel Biofilm Support in an Anaerobic Up-Flow Sludge Blanket Followed By Sand Filtration By Sohair Abou-Elela*, Mariam Fawzy*, Waheed Emam** & Mahaseen Ghazy* *Water Pollution Research Department, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt **Faculty of Sciences, Zoology Department, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

2 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, 22-24 Nov.,2012.
Contents Background Objectives Material and Methods Results and Discussion Conclusion Recommendation 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

3 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, 22-24 Nov.,2012.
Sewage treatment in big cities by centralized conventional means is Very efficient. However: The high construction, operation and maintenance costs for a centralized conventional wastewater collection and treatment system represent an obstacle for the Egyptian Government in the installment of such a system in rural areas and/or small communities. 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

4 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, 22-24 Nov.,2012.
All that made on-site low cost options or decentralized sanitation systems become interesting solution for application and testing. 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

5 Decentralized Treatment Units
5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

6 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, 22-24 Nov.,2012.
Anaerobic treatment of wastewater is nowadays widely accepted as a proved technology and extensively used. Recently anaerobic hybrid system proved to be very efficient in treating dilute to high strength wastewater. 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

7 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, 22-24 Nov.,2012.
Objectives The main objective of this study was to develop an innovative method for wastewater treatment and reuse in small communities and rural areas. 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

8 Material and Methods “Schematic flow diagram for the treatment module”
5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

9 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, 22-24 Nov.,2012.
Engineering Design 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

10 Different Treatment Units
5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

11 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, 22-24 Nov.,2012.
DESIGN PARAMETERS IPS P-UASB Parameters 17-35 Temperature (◦C) 7 Flow rate (m3/day) 1.76 1.47 OLR (Kg COD m3/day) 2 6 HRT (hr) -- 0.1 Sludge loading rate (kg COD/kg VS. d) Packed with NWPF framed in cylindrical frames Packing material 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

12 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, 22-24 Nov.,2012.
Many carrier materials have been investigated regarding their suitability as supports for bio film, including cheap, readily available material like rocks, sand, clay, glass, quartz and a number of plastics . The void volume in these media ranges from 85-95%. Moreover, these media provide high specific surface area typically 100 m2/m3 or above which enhance biofilm growth. 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

13 Some examples of biofilm support
5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

14 Novel Biofilm Support “Non-Woven Polyester Fabric”
5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

15 Toxicity Test The results showed that after 48 hours acute toxicity test revealed that the packing material (NWPF) used in this study was not toxic 48h-Survival % Concentration Fiber soaking media (Triplicates) 100 Control 1 2 3 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

16 Characteristics of packing material using scanning electron microscope
SEM of SPTF before operation 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

17 Characteristics of NWPF used in the UASB as a packing material
Value Unit Parameters Rolled non woven polyester fabric with thickness 0.81 cm cut into small pieces (5x5cm) and fixed in polyurethane cylindrical frames -- Shape 2000 m2/m3 Specific surface area Average: 43.8 µm Pore size 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

18 Wastewater Characterization
*Average Unit Parameters -- pH-value 102 NTU Turbidity 368 mg/l TCOD 174 BOD 164 TSS 32.6 TKN 16 NH4-N 0.005 Nitrite 0.05 Nitrate 2.8 TP 28 Oil & Grease 4.6 x 10 7 MPN/100 ml Total Coliform *Average of 25 samples 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

19 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, 22-24 Nov.,2012.
SEM of NWPF before and after entrapment of microorganisms 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

20 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, 22-24 Nov.,2012.
Effect of packing material on the removal rate of organic matters and suspended solids in P-UASB The COD removal efficiency was increased to 70% due to the entrapment and accumulation of biomass onto the NWPF surface. The high entrapment capacity of organic matter by the NWPF was due to the pleated rough surface, high specific surface area (2000m2/m3) and the low density. Moreover, the high porosity of the NWPF which ranged between 21.2 – 66.5 µm with an average porosity of 43.8 µm. 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

21 Overall efficiency of the treatment system
5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

22 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, 22-24 Nov.,2012.
Bacterial removal %R SSF IPS P-UASB Raw w.w Unit Parameters 99.99 2.8 x102 1.5 x 10 3 2.1 x 10 6 4.6 x 10 7 MPN/100 ml T.CC 1.1x10 1.5 x 10 2 1.5 x 10 5 2.3 x 10 6 F.CC 2 x 102 1.5 x 10 4 2.1 x 10 5 F.S 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

23 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, 22-24 Nov.,2012.
conclusion The COD, BOD and TSS removal rates reached 96.7%, 87.7%, 90.8% 97.2% and 99.9%, respectively. 99.99% removal of total coliforms, fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci were achieved. The use of a novel packing material media promotes the effective physical entrapment/adsorption and subsequent bonding between the biomass and media and consequently improved the performance of the P-UASB. 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

24 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, 22-24 Nov.,2012.
The overall efficiency of the treatment module produced a high quality effluent complying with the National Regulatory Standards for wastewater reuse in agricultural. The treatment module can be applied as a standalone system for wastewater treatment in rural areas and small communities. 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

25 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, 22-24 Nov.,2012.
Thank You 고맙습니다 5th International Congress of Environmental Research, Nov.,2012.

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