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The Open Ended Response

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1 The Open Ended Response
Scoring Guide

2 Characteristics of Good Short Answers
Be clear and specific. Give a clear, specific answer to the question. Connect logically. All three parts (answer, citation, explanation) have to work together to prove your point. Use the text. Good short answers integrate the text of their story into their answer. Text evidence is a necessity for scoring high.

3 Strategies for Writing Short Answers
Find the Quote first! If you find a quote that answers your question before you write your answer, it’s a lot easier. You write your answer to fit the quote, rather than having to find a quote that fits your answer. Use connecting words! If it feels like you are repeating yourself, then your answer is correct. Turn to the thesaurus for help finding synonyms for words. Use thoughtful, insightful analysis: Go beyond the basic answer but do not get too wordy

4 Scoring… Scores from 0 to 3 0 is Insufficient
1 is Partially Sufficient 2 is Sufficient 3 is Exemplary Everyone can score a 2!

5 A Score 0… Write these criteria on your rubric for 0:
Does not answer the question Is too vague or general No textual evidence

6 A Score 1… Write these criteria on your rubric for 1:
Answers the question with no evidence Provides text with no answer Text evidence is not connected to answer

7 A Score 2… Write these criteria on your rubric for 2:
Provides a reasonable answer with connecting text evidence. Text evidence supports and develops answer Response is clear and specific.

8 A Score 3… Must offer a particularly thoughtful or insightful theme, character trait, conflict, or change or an analysis of a literary technique or figurative expression Must be strongly supported with accurate/relevant textual evidence must demonstrate depth of understanding and ability to effectively connect textual evidence to the idea or analysis.

9 Write a short answer for the following question:

10 A Sample 0…

11 A Sample 0…

12 A Sample 1…

13 A Sample 1…

14 A Sample 2…

15 A Sample 2…

16 A Sample 3…

17 A Sample 3…

18 Scoring The Expository Selection

19 How the experts scored these expository selections
With your group give each of the following answers a score of 0, 1, 2, or 3 Write the number on your white board When asked, hold up your group’s answer

20 Expository Question

21 Sample 1

22 Answer 1

23 Sample 2

24 Answer 2

25 Sample 3

26 Answer 3

27 Sample 4

28 Answer 4

29 Sample 5

30 Answer 5

31 Sample 6

32 Sample 6

33 Congratulations You have just completed the teacher short answer rater training

34 The Crossover… Use BOTH stories in your answer.
Include a quote from both stories. Strategy: Find two quotes that connect and then write your answer to fit those quotes. Make sure you explain how both quotes prove your answer as well!

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