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August Hang 10!, 2017 Dudes and dudettes get out notebook to take notes while reading the short story "Love is a Fallacy." Excellent! Review fallacies.

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Presentation on theme: "August Hang 10!, 2017 Dudes and dudettes get out notebook to take notes while reading the short story "Love is a Fallacy." Excellent! Review fallacies."— Presentation transcript:

1 August Hang 10!, 2017 Dudes and dudettes get out notebook to take notes while reading the short story "Love is a Fallacy." Excellent! Review fallacies from yesterday—What were the six fallacies? Bodacious! Read the short story "Love is a Fallacy" by Max Shulman. Stellar! Dudes and dudettes must identify the logical fallacies explained in the short story and answer opinionated questions about the short story. Write each one in your notes. No way! Party on, Dude! Cellphone Break. Totally! Gnarly! Dudes and dudettes will receive the Rubric for the Presentations on Logical Fallacies Assignment! Chill! Dudes and dudettes separated into groups of three! Bra! Each dude and dudette will have a ROLE! Awesome! Dudes and dudettes will be creating their advertisements (Script written)! Wipeout!

2 After You complete the reading
What was the story about? (Summary) What did you like about the story? Why? What did you not like about the story? Why? Was this story better than A&P and The Last Night of the World? Why or why not? WRITE YOUR RESPONSES IN YOUR NOTEBOOK, THEN WE WILL DISCUSS. 

3 LOGICAL FALLACIES In the short story Love is a Fallacy
Dicto Simpliciter: argument based on unqualified generalization Hasty Generalization: too few instances to support the conclusion Post Hoc: "after this, therefore because of this"  Contradictory Premises: there can be no argument if the premises contradict themselves (contradict—deny each other) Ad Misericordian: appeal to someone's sympathy or pity to avoid the question False Analogy: comparing two different situations and making an analogy. Situations must be comparable  Hypothesis Contrary to the Fact: Starting with a False hypothesis (educated guess that hasn't been proven) and drawing a conclusion Poisoning the Well: tainting an argument before it has come.  Bandwagon Fallacy: appeal to the crowd; using popular opinion to support an argument Ad Hominem: attacking the person instead of the argument. 

4 Rubric 10 Logical Fallacies used in the short story "Love is a Fallacy" Groups must choose one of the 14 There will 10 groups of 3 Must upload Advertisement to YouTube, and if you don't then your group will act out the Advertisement in front of the class Mr. Burns will grade it on the spot starting Monday.  Must Include a Script; Each member must have a speaking part  Director, Writer, and Cameraman or Camerawoman; All of YOU are ACTORS OR ACTRESSES

5 Poll everywhere Get out your phones (Unless it's already out) and go to the site How did you feel about Friday's discussion?

6 Extended metaphor: What is it?
An extended metaphor, sometimes known as a conceit or sustained metaphor, is a metaphor that an author develops over the course of many lines or even an entire work of literature. Conceit: comparison of unlike things

7 Silent read the song/poem "play crack the sky" by Brand New
Write in the margins what each stanza means to you. In addition, You're looking for the extended metaphor throughout the song.  Do NOT start the reflection or analysis yet!

8 Song Analysis: "Play Crack the sky" by Brand New
Students on their own will silently read the lyrics to the song.  Try to work out what the extended metaphor is in the song.  Students will share what they found.  The story behind the song.  Then I'll play the song---take notes. Students will have time to write their analysis. 6 to 7 sentences; must have a logical argument with citations from the song to support your argument.

9 Brand New and Taking back sunday feud:
Girlfriend of Brand New's Lead singer, Jesse Lacey, cheated on him with one of the members of Taking Back Sunday, John Nolan. Jesse Lacey was one of the original members of Taking Back Sunday. Logging insults at each other through emo lyrics.

10 Tuesday, August 8th, 2017 Logical Fallacies Lecture (TAKE NOTES)s
Love is a Fallacy by (SHORT STORY) Independent Reading Project

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