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QML - Quality Management in the Austrian Dual System

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1 QML - Quality Management in the Austrian Dual System
Alfred Freundlinger – Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

2 Examples for established quality measures
Vocational Training Act Curricula regulated by ordinances Suitability of training companies Conditions for Trainers Apprenticeship-leave examination Apprenticeship Offices Advice and support for quality

3 Why QML? Decreasing number of young people (demographic trend)
Trend for „higher“ education Therefore more and more difficulties for apprenticeship training in competition with school based VET Need for strengthening the image of the dual system Very important: increasing, securing and making visible of Training Quality

4 How does QML work? Developed and carried out by sozial partners
Based on data on dropout and success rates Involved Partners: Quality board at federal level Regional advisory boards on apprenticeship training Apprenticeship offices

5 dropout and succes rates
QML - Ablauf QML - Process surveys questioning apprentices and companies systematic feedback from examiners etc. PLAN measures for increasing success rates DO implementation federal and regional level CHECK evaluation of success rates ACT adjusting of measurements Data dropout and succes rates 2 Levels branches companies Instruments counseling, material for support , coaching, seminars etc.

6 QML-Data - Average Outcome
apprent. ended percent. dropouts apprent. completed percent. no exam percent. negative exam percent. positive exam 42 624 15.9 35 857 6.0 4.9 89.1

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