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Why I agree with euthanasia

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Presentation on theme: "Why I agree with euthanasia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why I agree with euthanasia

2 What it’s not … Murder Open-slather suicide
Anyone else’s business but mine (or those I choose to involve in MY decision) Ugly, painful, distressing, debilitating, unnecessary prolongation of misery.

3 This is Angie Belecciu ... Angie: mother-of-two, palliative nurse, breast-cancer survivor ... ... and sufferer of terminal bone-cancer.

4 This is my dog, Elsa Monrose Baxter – alias “Pup-pup”
Long-haired German-Shepherd, sister to Sally; playmate of Chris, Em and Jess; stick-chaser, ball-getter ... ... and sufferer of long-term hip dysplasia and a degenerative joint condition.

5 This is my father, Jim Baxter
Teacher, writer, father and grandfather, one-time athlete and Rugby League player, cricket aficionado ... ... and sufferer from a terminal brain tumour.

6 When Angie Belecciu’s pain and suffering became too much, she checked in to a motel, dressed in her favorite pyjamas, drank her favorite drink, took some Nembutal, and went to sleep. Forever.

7 When Pup’s legs grew so weak, and her hips’ degeneration so pronounced she could no longer run, or play, or even manage to get up the hill from the bottom of the garden, we took her to the vet. He gave her an injection, and, with her family gathered round her, she went to sleep. Forever.

8 The “cons” People say that suicide is a “sin”. People say that people who contemplate suicide are depressed and need help. People say that “palliative care” is best for terminally ill people People say that allowing euthanasia will mean that some will be “murdered” by their greedy friends or relatives.

9 When my father’s brain tumour grew to the point that he could no longer hold a conversation, or organise himself to even wash properly, he was taken to a hospital. There, when medication no longer worked, he developed pneumonia. He lay for two days, his breathing gurgling like a kid blowing bubbles in a milkshake. His body bloated. His face became that of a stranger. He didn’t suffer like a dog, because we don’t let our animals suffer the way he had to.

10 That’s why I believe in euthanasia. Your life. Your choice.

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