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VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP Physical Processes of Earth’s Surface

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1 VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP Physical Processes of Earth’s Surface
Loverna Semple 7th Grade Geography Back Start Stop 1 Stop 2 Stop 3 Stop 4 Stop 5 Stop 6 Stop 7 Stop 8 Stop 9 Next

2 INSTRUCTION Look through the pages on this site. Where you see ‘Click here’ you will click to access information on volcanoes. Where you see ‘Activity’ you will complete the assignments. Your first assignment is the vocabulary activity. Go through each slide and use the STOPS to take you where you want to be. Continue looking through all pages until you are finished. Welcome Virtual Geographers! We will be observing the physical processes of volcanoes on earth’s surface. We will be investigating the causes and effects of volcanoes on earth’s surface. Get ready for a real experience of exploring one of world’s physical processes of the earth’s surface. Back Start Stop 1 Stop 2 Stop 3 Stop 4 Stop 5 Stop 6 Stop 7 Stop 8 Stop 9 Stop 1

3 VOCABULARY WORDS Volcano Lava Magma Rock Seismic activity
Plate tectonic Oceanic plate Mountains Activity Define these terms Back Start Stop 1 Stop 2 Stop 3 Stop 4 Stop 5 Stop 6 Stop 7 Stop 8 Stop 9 Next

4 What is a volcano? A volcano is a vent or ‘chimney’ that connects molten rock(magma) to the Earth Surface. It includes the surrounding cone of built-in materials. Back Start Stop 1 Stop 2 Stop 3 Stop 4 Stop 5 Stop 6 Stop 7 Stop 8 Stop 9 Next

5 Characteristics The explosiveness of a volcano eruption depends on how easy magma can flow and the amount of gas trapped in it. When a volcano erupts, the magma goes up to the earth’s surface. The magma that goes up to earth surface is called Lava. Magma is the molten rock within the earth’s crust. Rock also come from the volcanoes in different forms, including ash and cinder. Back Start Stop 1 Stop 2 Stop 3 Stop 4 Stop 5 Stop 6 Stop 7 Stop 8 Stop 9 Next

GEYSERS A geyser is a hot spring’ They only send out hot water and steam. They don’t blast out lava . They are less dangerous then the volcanoes that blast out lava. Take an electronic field trip, be sure to investigate the Geysers of Yellowstone National Park. Back Start Stop 1 Stop 2 Stop 3 Stop 4 Stop 5 Stop 6 Stop 7 Stop 8 Stop 9 Next

7 TYPES OF VOLCANOES Shield Volcanoes
. Shield Volcanoes A shield volcano is a large volcano with shallowly-sloping sides. Shield volcanoes can be so large that they are sometimes considered to be a mountain range. The largest is Mauna Loa on the Big island of Hawaii. Back Start Stop 1 Stop 2 Stop 3 Stop 4 Stop 5 Stop 6 Stop 7 Stop 8 Stop 9 Next

8 TYPES OF VOLCANOES CINDER A cinder cone is surrounded by cinder.
Its crater is filled with water. They are steep cone shaped mountains like Mt Fuji and Mt. Vesuvius. Back Start Stop 1 Stop 2 Stop 3 Stop 4 Stop 5 Stop 6 Stop 7 Stop 8 Stop 9 Next

A caldera is a volcanic explosion feature formed by the collapse of land. After a volcanic explosion the top collapses , water rushes in and the volcano explodes again. What are the cause of volcanoes? Back Start Stop 1 Stop 2 Stop 3 Stop 4 Stop 5 Stop 6 Stop 7 Stop 8 Stop 9 Next

A volcanic eruption can knock down forests and clog rivers with volcanic ash. Damage can occur from the volcano. Materials erupted from volcanoes can form new land. Overtime, lava flows can form new, rich soil. Click on link below for more information Click Here Activity Explain 3 effects. Back Start Stop 1 Stop 2 Stop 3 Stop 4 Stop 5 Stop 6 Stop 7 Stop 8 Stop 9 Next

11 Take a virtual trip of the volcanoes.
There are about 500 active volcanoes on earth. Click on the links below to research the impact and gain more information on volcanoes. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Visit the map of Central and South America and make notes of the volcanoes you discovered. Back Start Stop 1 Stop 2 Stop 3 Stop 4 Stop 5 Stop 6 Stop 7 Stop 8 Stop 9 Next

12 STANDARD 7.3.Spi.11 recognize specific physical processes
that operate on Earth’s Surface (i.e. is Volcanoes…). Back Next

13 OBJECTIVES At the end of the virtual field trip students will be able to : Define the term volcano in at least two sentences. Describe in a paragraph how volcanoes are formed. List at least three types of volcanoes. Discuss the effects of volcanoes on Earth’ Surface. Evaluate the effects of volcanoes and discuss what can people do to avoid such disasters. Back Next

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