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Early Childhood Development

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1 Early Childhood Development
The ROTARY Revolution Tom Bergmann-Harris President, Rotary Club of Claremont Chair, District ECD Committee District Conference Stellenbosch 29 April 2016

2 less than 1 in 3 kids in SA 1,000 days less than 1 in 3 kids in SA

3 becomes a global champion of ECD.
All children have access to a nurturing, supportive and stimulating environment to grow up in and develop to their full potential. becomes a global champion of ECD. Communities of Excellence

4 What we set out to do 1. Create District ECD Committee 2. Establish framework of collaboration w/DSD 3. Carry out inventory of ECD projects in D9350

5 4. Prepare guidelines (incl. check-lists) 5. Guide + support RCs 6. Present success stories to create awareness + obtain focus on ECD at global level

6 What we have done 1. District ECD Committee set-up Tom Bergmann-Harris (Chair), DG Geraldine Nicol, Alan Jackson (Wynberg), Henry Septoe (Claremont) 2. MoU signed with DSD (Oct. 2015), meetings held regularly, documentation + contact details for RCs, RCC’s Injongo project as case study for best practices 3. Survey completed, results presented at Mini-conference in Worcester (Oct. 2015)

7 4. First draft of guidelines elaborated
5. First ECD training workshop held for clubs in Pinelands (10 Feb. 2016), more to follow soonest. Information on importance + relevance of ECD emphasized at all Rotary meetings + conferences

8 The Way Forward Identify + engage new/additional ECD committee members
2. Expand partnership w/DSD 3. Hold training workshops for RCs.

9 5. Guide RCs as per needs identified + support as requested
4. Finalize + make available guidelines 5. Guide RCs as per needs identified + support as requested 6. Present success stories (Claremont’s Injongo project) + create awareness to focus on global level

10 We need to act now Sign up volunteers for District ECD Committee (DEC)
Hold next meeting of DEC + DSD b4 15 May 3. Finalize Guidelines + circulate by 15 June 2016 4. Hold next training workshop For RCs by end of June 2016


12 Thank You

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