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Unit 1 Intro. To Economics Lesson 2

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1 Unit 1 Intro. To Economics Lesson 2

2 Review Economics – Macroeconomics - Microeconomics Wants – Physical
- Psychological Scarcity

3 Resources are used to produce goods & services
Resources: Anything that a country or state can use to produce goods and services. Goods – objects capable of satisfying human wants/ needs. - durable goods – TV, car, anything that can last more than a year. - non-durable goods – food products. Services – Can be performed but can’t be touched or seen. - Ex: services of a lawyer, dentist, doctors, mechanic …..

4 All Resources fall in 3 categories:
1. Land – includes natural resources (mineral, animals, vegetation, and water) 2. Labour - includes population, variety of skills, level of education, and technical training. 3. Capital - includes manufactured items that are used to produce goods and services (buildings, factories, equipment, computers, tools, lathes, drill presses, forklift & trucks, transportation vehicles)

5 In Class Activity Do Categorizing resources Activity

6 Costs Direct costs – out of pocket expenses required to do something.
ex: the direct cost of purchasing a new car might be $30,000. Opportunity cost – represents the value of the best possible alternative that is given up. ex: you decide to buy a movie instead of a book. The opportunity cost is the book.

7 Activity Read “The Costs of College Attendance” pg. 10 – 11.
Answer questions 1 – 4 pg. 11

8 Product Possibility Curves
Represents the maximum amount of two products that can be produced using all available resources efficiently. Copy figure 1.1 pg. 13 Are influenced by population, technology, demand….

9 Do Assn. 1 due in 2 days

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