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Optimizing the Fast Fourier Transform on a Multi-core Architecture

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1 Optimizing the Fast Fourier Transform on a Multi-core Architecture
Presentation by Tao Liu Long Chen; Ziang Hu; Junmin Lin; Gao, G.R.; IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2007.

2 Outline FFT Introduction FFT Implementation-State of Art Introduce this paper Summary Relationship to our project Q&A

3 FFT Introduction Media Application (2D) Communication Application (1D)
256* *256 Original picture and video require huge number of data DFT can reconstruct the picture with less data. Communication Application (1D)

4 FFT Introduction (cont.)
Fundamental Mathematics 2D N*N -> N*N 1D Example

5 FFT Introduction (cont.)
8-points 1D FFT

6 Outline FFT Introduction FFT Implementation-State of Art Introduce this paper Summary Relationship to our project Q&A

7 FFT Implementation-State of Art
Hypercube architecture [9, 13, 17] Arrays architecture [12] Mesh architectures[18] An instructive shared-memory FFT for Alliant FX/8 [19]. Additional performance studies on shared-memory FFT [3, 16] Memory hierarchy to an effective FFT implementation[4] CRAY-2 [5] EARTH[20], a finegrained dataflow architecture. etc

8 Outline FFT Introduction FFT Implementation-State of Art Introduce this paper Summary Relationship to our project Q&A

9 About this paper Platform: IBM Cyclops-64 (C64) Optimization on 1D FFT

10 IBM Cyclops-64 (C64) 80 64-bit processors, each processor 1 floating point unit (FPU) + 2 thread units (TUs). 64 64-bit registers and 32 KB SRAM. 16 shared instruction caches (ICs) 4 off-chip DRAM controllers, Crossbar network with a large number of ports (96×96), which sustains a 4GB/s bandwidth per port, thus 384GB/s in total. Memory: scratch-pad (SP) memory, on-chip global interleaved memory (GM), and off-chip DRAM GigaBit Ethernet controller and other I/O devices Etc.

11 IBM Cyclops-64 (C64) 80 cores 160 threads

12 1D FFT Base Parallel Implementation Optimal Work Unit
Special Handling of the First Stages Eliminating Unnecessary Memory Operations Loop Unrolling Register Renaming and Instruction Scheduling (Manually) Memory Hierarchy Aware Compilation

13 1D FFT (Cont.)

14 Optimal Work Unit 1 butterfly operation
1. read 2-point data and the twiddle factor from GM 2. perform a bufferfly operations upon them, then 3. write the 2-point results back to GM 1 butterfly operation -> Thread

15 Optimal Work Unit 1 butterfly operation 4 butterfly operations

16 Optimal Work Unit Number of cycles per butterfly operation VS the the size of work unit (8 point is the best) Register spilling for large WU (Need 112 for 16-point)

17 2D FFT Base Parallel Implementation Load Balancing
Work Distribution and Data Reuse Memory Hierarchy Aware Compilation

18 2D FFT –Base Parallel Implementation
All row FFTs are independent of each other, so they can be computed in parallel. Row -> Column Work units are distributed to threads in the round-robin way Some threads remain idle (e.g. 180 rows, 160 threads)

19 2D FFT –Load Balancing Load Balancing
entire row/column1D FFT as a work unit -> small tasks Small task: 8-point work unit. (8 input<-> 8 output) it needs more barriers to synchronize threads working on the same row/column FFT

20 Results of This Paper 1D FFT 2^16 points

21 Results of This Paper 2D FFT 256*256

22 Outline FFT Introduction FFT Implementation-State of Art Introduce this paper Summary Relationship to our project Q&A

23 Summary Introduction Strengths Weakness
Implemented and optimized FFT on a specific architecture –IBM Cyclops-64 Strengths Several optimization techniques are proposed. Achieved performances are over 20Gflops for both 1D FFT and 2D FFT, which is about 4 times of Intel Xeon Pentium 4 processor (5.5Glops) (Essentiality: reduce memory operation) Weakness The fast scratchpad memory (SP) for each thread unit has not been fully explored. Memory issue of large FFT size where data cannot be fully stored in on-chip memories.

24 Relationship to our project
Implement FFT on a FPGA platform Architecture is changeable. #cores/Memory/cache/ Performance/power etc What we can use from this paper Task partition & Distribution Data Reuse etc

25 Q&A

26 Reference [1] R. Agarwal and J. Cooley. Vectorized mixed radix discrete fourier transform algorithms. In Proceedings of the IEEE,volume 75, pages 1283– 1292, 1987. [2] M. Ashworth and A. G. Lyne. A segmented FFT algorithm for vector computers. Parallel Computing, 6:217–224, 1988. [3] A. Averbuch, E. Gabber, B. Gordissky, and Y. Medan. A parallel FFT on an MIMD machine. Parallel Computing, 15:61–74, 1990. [4] D. H. Bailey. FFTs in external or hierarchical memory. In Proceedings of the Supercomputing 89, pages 234–242,1989. [5] D. A. Carlson. Using local memory to boost the performance of FFT algorithms on the CRAY-2 supercomputer. J. Supercomput., 4:345–356, 1990. [6] J. W. Cooley and J. W. Tukey. An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex fourier series. Math. Comput.,19:297–301, 1965. [7] J. del Cuvillo,W. Zhu, Z. Hu, and G. R. Gao. FAST: A functionally accurate simulation toolset for the Cyclops64 cellular architecture. In Workshop on Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation (MoBS2005), in conjuction with the 32nd Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA2005), Madison, Wisconsin, June 2005. [8] M. Frigo and S. Johnson. FFTW. [9] A. G. and P. I. Parallel implementation of 2-d FFT algorithms on a hypercube. In Proc. Parallel Computing Action, Workshop ISPRA, 1990. [10] A. Gupta and V. Kumar. On the scalability of FFT on parallel

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28 Reference [19] P. N. Swarztrauber. Multiprocessor FFTs. Parallel Computing, 5(1-2):197–210, 1987. [20] K. B. Theobald. EARTH: An Efficient Architecture for Running Threads. PhD thesis, May 1999. [21] P. Thulasiraman, K. B. Theobald, A. A. Khokhar, and G. R. Gao. Multithreaded algorithms for the fast fourier transform. In ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, pages 176–185, 2000

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