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Chapter 1 Pgs American Anthem Textbook

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1 Chapter 1 Pgs. 11-26 American Anthem Textbook
The Original Colonies Chapter 1 Pgs American Anthem Textbook

2 Bell Ringer 8/15/14 DO: I can describe early exploration of the Americas and the founding of the 13 colonies. Why did Columbus set sail in the first place? What were two motivations for Europeans to explore new lands? How are notebook grades tabulated during the course of a week?

3 Vocab 8/15/14 Mayflower Compact: a legal contract made by the Pilgrims which agreed to make laws to protect the general good. Mercantilism: The economic policy that a nation’s strength is directly related to its wealth. Nations wanted to make wealth for themselves, not the colonies. Navigation Acts: Series of laws to restrict colonial trade. Stated that goods had to be transported on British ships or ships with a mostly British crew. This angered the American colonists


5 Treaty of Tordesillas Spain and Portugal were rivals at sea
1493, Queen Isabella of Spain went to Pope to make claim for all lands in the new world. Pope Alexander VI, a Spaniard, complied, drew an imaginary line in the sea, all lands west belonged to Spain King John II of Portugal protested and diplomatic relations moved the line 800 miles west, giving the Portuguese Brazil. England, France nor Holland recognized the Treaty of Tordesillas.

6 Portugal Spain

7 Spain is not alone! Other explorers from England and France challenged Spain, but did not permanently settle until the reign of Queen Elizabeth I ( ). Religion brought England and Spain to war. 1588, Spain sent 130 ships known as the Spanish Armada to attack England. But the British won the battle and gained naval dominance in the Atlantic. They now can start building colonies!

8 First Colonies Roanoke: 1587, Sir Walter Raleigh (Raleigh, NC)tried to start a colony in Virginia. Raleigh returned to England and came back to VA in 1590 to find an abandoned village. 1606, King James I issued a charter dividing North America between the London Company and the Plymouth Company (both Joint-Stock Companies). What is a Joint Stock Company? Investors pool money hoping for a return. The company governs and maintains the colony and investors gain most of the profit.

9 Jamestown, VA Settled in 1607 First English colony that survived
Many died from diseases that they got from contaminated water. (dysentery/diarrhea) Colony almost failed, John Smith and John Rolfe saved the colony Smith brought discipline and Rolfe discovered tobacco! Tobacco: main cash crop

10 Jamestown, VA Myth! John Rolfe’s wife? The famous Pocahontas!
No romance with John Smith, but she did bring food to the British, She eventually taught them to farm and cure tobacco! Myth!

11 House of Burgesses Formed in 1619. First legislative body in America.
Today Congress is our national legislative body.

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