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2 HALLOWEEN QUIZ 1. Halloween is celebrated on ___.
a. February 14th b. July 14th c. October 31st d. December 25th

3 HALLOWEEN QUIZ 2. The word comes from medieval England's All Hallows' ___. a. eve b. time c. month d. rite

4 HALLOWEEN QUIZ 3. It's believed that ___ have supernatural powers, and that they fly on broomsticks. a. wizards b. witches c. fairies d. ghosts

5 HALLOWEEN QUIZ 4. Halloween is the time for ___ fun.
a. spooky b. frosty c. very d. plenty

6 HALLOWEEN QUIZ 5. There is an old belief that it is good luck to see which of the following on Halloween?  a. Black Cat b. Spider c. Pumpkin d. Bat

7 HALLOWEEN QUIZ 6. Children wear scary ______.
a. habits b. costumes c. gowns d. customs

8 HALLOWEEN QUIZ 7. Children go from door to door asking for _____. a. tricks b. treats c. money d. coins

9 HALLOWEEN QUIZ 8. If you are afraid of Halloween, it might be said that you suffer from which of the following?  a. Pumpkinophobia b. Aquaphobia c.  Chemophobia d. Samhainophobia

10 HALLOWEEN QUIZ 9. There are pumpkins that are blue instead of orange.
a. True  b. False

11 HALLOWEEN QUIZ 10. _____ are also associated with Halloween.
a. Black dogs b. Brown bears c. Black cats d. White cats

12 HALLOWEEN QUIZ 11. The familiar Jack o' Lanterns are thought to have originated in which country?  a. United States  b. Spain  c. Ireland  d. Egypt

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