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Special Education IEP Interchange Files

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Presentation on theme: "Special Education IEP Interchange Files"— Presentation transcript:

1 2016-2017 Special Education IEP Interchange Files
8/7/2018 Special Education IEP Interchange Files December count Lens Special Education IEP Interchange

2 Webinar Guidelines Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all webinar participants hear your hold music! Please feel free to ask any and all questions: Type it in the Chat Box for a response Raise Your Hand CDE can open the phones anytime during the webinar to answer questions Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2

3 Agenda Part I Data Pipeline Website Part II
What is the Special Education December Count? Part III Data Pipeline System 3


5 Data Pipeline Website Data Pipeline Home Interchanges Snapshots
Year-Round Collections Periodic Collections Frequently Requested Codes Trainings Civil Rights Data Collections Resources Contact 5

6 Data Pipeline Website Resources Data Pipeline Definitions
Data Pipeline Home Interchanges Snapshots Year-Round Collections Periodic Collections Frequently Requested Codes Trainings Civil Rights Data Collections Resources Data Pipeline Definitions Contact 6

7 Data Pipeline Definitions
8/7/2018 Data Pipeline Definitions A couple to keep in mind Data Pipeline – a streamlined approach to efficiently move required education information from school districts to CDE. IdM – Identity Management. A single sign on system allowing the user to navigate between the applications without entering user ID information a second time Interchange – Method of providing data to CDE in which LEAs may choose from multiple formats of flat files to submit data Snapshot - A date in time when data is pulled from the appropriate interchanges, validated by additional business rules, and approval given that signifies it was accurately reported for a specific point in time by an LEA Cognos – A type of report in which the user can view applicable reports that are formatted in a user friendly environment Data Pipeline Definitions - 7

8 Identity Management (IdM)
Frequently Asked Questions IdM provides Local Education Agencies (LEA) with a means of administering and maintaining user access to integrated CDE data systems. IdM also helps ensure adequate protection of student-level data that is received, collected, developed, and used by CDE in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 8

9 Identity Management (IdM)
Single Sign-On (SSO) When you log in using the CDE Single Sign-On (SSO) process, you will be able to access all of the CDE applications you are approved for that have been integrated into the CDE Identity Management System Districts and Administrative Units have the ability to create and administer users and access privileges to CDE’s applications through CDE IdM 9

10 Responsibilities District Superintendent
8/7/2018 Responsibilities District Superintendent Responsible for creating and managing a user or a group of users known as the Local Access Managers (LAMs) Local Access Manager (LAM) Responsible for approving and administering access to CDE systems for all users within their organization. District and Administrative Unit LAM Data Pipeline Groups (for the purpose of this training) Interchanges SPE – Special Education IEP Snapshot DEC – Special Education December Count User (often referred to as a Respondent) is an employee of a local education agency (LEA) who has been granted CDE application access by either the District or the Administrative Unit LAM 10

11 Identity Management (IdM)
At the VERY bottom of the IdM page you can find the role mappings Applications IdM Groups Data Pipeline Collection Roles ESSU Data Management Roles ESSU Gifted Talented Roles UIP Roles Randa 11

12 Identity Management (IdM) Data Pipeline Collection Roles
Interchanges Data Pipeline Groups Role/Collection LEAVIEWER LEAUSER LEAPPROVER STD Student interchange X N/A STF Staff Interchange TI1 Title I interchange SPE SPED IEP Interchange TSL Teacher student interchange DIS Discipline interchange Date from the Interchanges in Blue are included in the Special Education December Count Data Collection. See the Special Education December Count File Layout for more information 12

13 Identity Management (IdM) Data Pipeline Collection Roles
Snapshots Data Pipeline Groups Role/Collection LEAVIEWER LEAUSER LEAPPROVER OCT Student October X SEY Student End of Year* DEC SPED December Count* SPI SPED Discipline* EOY SPED EOY* HRD HR December TLS Teacher Student Data Link Snapshot 13

14 Identity Management Roles
Special Education IEP Roles SPE~ LEAUSER – upload and modify staff interchange files OR SPE~LEAVIEWER – view (only) staff interchange data EXAMPLE: ARAPAHOE_5_CHERRY_CREEK PIPELINE SPE~LEAUSER Submit and Modify Role Staff Interchange Roles: STF~ LEAUSER – upload and modify staff interchange files OR STF~LEAVIEWER – view (only) staff interchange data Special Education December Count Snapshot Roles: DEC~LEAAPPROVER – Approves, creates, views Snapshot OR All Administrative Units will need someone with the DEC Approver Role DEC~LEAUSER - creates, views Snapshot OR DEC~LEAVIEWER- views snapshot 14

15 Identity Management (IdM)
Restrictions A User can’t have more than one role in a group. Someone needs to have the “DEC Approval” role for the district/administrative unit in order to finalize the Special Education December Count Data Collection 15

16 Data Pipeline Website Interchanges Data Pipeline Home Snapshots
Year-Round Collections Periodic Collections Frequently Requested Codes Trainings Civil Rights Data Collections Resources Contact 16

17 Interchange Special Education IEP
The method of providing data to CDE in which local education agencies (LEAs) may choose from multiple formats of flat files to submit data transitionally throughout the year. There are seven interchanges: Discipline Special Education IEP Staff Standard Course Codes Student Student Teacher/Student Data Link Title 1 Date from the Interchanges in Blue are included in the Special Education December Count Data Collection. See the Special Education December Count File Layout for more information 17

18 Interchange Documentation
8/7/2018 Interchange Documentation Overview About the interchange How many files make up the interchange Data captured Data is used for what data collection Deadlines File Layouts and Definitions Updated Layouts Posted April 1 Business Rules Templates Trainings Additional Resources 18

19 Example of a File Layout
8/7/2018 Example of a File Layout 19

20 Additional Resources Timeline
How to load the Special Education IEP Files Data Collection Guide for Enrich Users Summary of Changes Save CSV Leading Zeros Frequently Asked Questions Grade to Age Table Pupil’s Attendance Information Code Flow Chart Pupil’s Attendance Information Codes December Count Educational Environments Allowable Approved Facility Schools and Other Agency Codes 20


22 Special Education December Count Timeline
8/7/2018 Special Education December Count Timeline November 3rd Snapshot Opens November 17th Must have all interchange files uploaded at least once Staff/IEP/Student December 1st Official Count Date December 8th Must create snapshot at least once December 15th Interchange files error free January 19th All errors resolved (interchange and snapshot) Jan 19th- 26th Review Staff and Student Reports January 26th Validity Certification Reports due Jan 26th – Feb 9th Student Duplication Process February 16th Snapshot must be finalized 22

23 Data Pipeline Website Snapshots Data Pipeline Home Interchanges
8/7/2018 Data Pipeline Website Data Pipeline Home Interchanges Snapshots Year-Round Collections Periodic Collections Frequently Requested Codes Trainings Civil Rights Data Collections Resources Contact 23

24 Data represents points in time for data submission.
8/7/2018 24 Data represents points in time for data submission.

25 Snapshots Special Education December Count End of Year Human Resources
READ Special Education December Count Special Education Discipline Special Education End of Year Student October Teacher Student Data Link 25

26 Special Education December Count Overview
Student: The Special Education December Count collection is an annual count of Eligible Students Under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as of December 1. Data is used to generate federal funding to provide specialized student services. Staff: Special Education Staff Data is also required to obtain actual data on special education staff employed by administrative units on December 1 so that appropriate licensure and endorsement can be verified. 26

27 Special Education December Count Staff Criteria
8/7/2018 Special Education December Count Staff Criteria Special Education Flag = 1 Start date is December 1st or prior to December 1st of reporting school year End Date is either blank (not ended) or post December 1st of the reporting school year  EDID is reported in both Staff Profile & Assignment Interchange Records with the following Employment Status Codes will be included: 11, 12, 13, 23, 25 or 26 The Staff Profile and Staff Assignment Association File will be joined based on the School year, the teachers EDID, the sped assignment flag = 1, the district (or Admin Unit), and the records being error free. 27

28 Special Education December Count Student Criteria
8/7/2018 Special Education December Count Student Criteria Date of Entry to Special Education is December 1st or prior to December 1st of the reporting school year. A record with a Date of Exit from Special Education prior to December 1st would not be included in the December Count. Data from the Student Enrollment Interchange will be based on the default tagging. Pull all error-free records that meet the Dec 1st criteria from the Student Participation file and match them with records in the Student Profile interchange (Student Demographic file and School Association file).  The Student Profile Interchange is the authoritative source for (SASID, LASID, Student’s First Name, Student’s Middle Name, Student’s Last Name, Student’s Gender, Student Date of birth, Student’s Ethnicity, Student Race American Indian, Student Race Asian, Student Race Black, Student Race White, Student’s Race Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Grade level).  28

29 Special Education December Count Student Criteria
8/7/2018 Special Education December Count Student Criteria The Special Education Child file, the Special Education participation file and the Student Profile file will be joined based on the following criteria:  SASID, LASID, school year, district (or Admin Unit), and error free records. If the student is not part of a district then these fields will be pulled from the Special Education Child file. All additional fields will be pulled from the Special Education Student Participation file, except for federal race student and the ELL status, which are calculated. 29

30 8/7/2018 Snapshot File Layout 30

31 Frequently Requested Codes
Data Pipeline Website Data Pipeline Home Interchanges Snapshots Year-Round Collections Periodic Collections Frequently Requested Codes Trainings Civil Rights Data Collections Resources Contact 31

32 Frequently Requested Codes
Administrative Unit/District Code List Schools/Approved Facilities/Agency Codes/Special Education Program Codes/Head Start/Detention Centers/Institutions of Higher Education Districts with Boundaries Crossing Multiple Counties Grade to Age Edits Language Codes Charter schools that have a waiver evaluation ratings County/Country/State Codes 32

33 Data Pipeline Website Trainings Town Hall Data Pipeline Home
Interchanges Snapshots Year-Round Collections Periodic Collections Frequently Requested Codes Trainings Town Hall Civil Rights Data Collections Resources Contact 33

34 Town Hall The goal of Town Hall is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. 34

35 Data Pipeline Website Data Pipeline Home Interchanges Snapshots
Year-Round Collections Periodic Collections Frequently Requested Codes Trainings Civil Rights Data Collections Resources Contact 35

Data Pipeline is a streamlined approach to efficiently move required education information from school districts to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). Data Pipeline reduces data redundancy, captures closer to real-time data, streamlines the data collection process and allows districts to exchange information on transferred students. Data Pipeline replaces the Automated Data Exchange (ADE) system, that is used for state reporting, and takes CDE from 19 point-in-time collections to six transactional interchanges, allowing local education agencies to submit data regularly to CDE and fix data errors the data as they go. The interchanges are focused on a Student Profile, Staff Profile, Organization Profile, Special Education, and Discipline. These interchanges are intended to be transactional in nature therefore allowing Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to submit data regularly to CDE and clean the data as they go. Single Sign-On Click Here to Access Data Pipeline, Identity Management, and other Single Sign On applications 36


38 What is the Special Education IEP Interchange?
8/7/2018 What is the Special Education IEP Interchange? Set of 2 files which contain Special Education data for the school year: Special Education Child Contains data related to the student’s demographic and contact information Special Education Participation Contains data related to the student’s participation in special education. This information is used to make up the following snapshots: Special Education December Count Special Education End-of-Year Special Education Discipline (Primary Disability) 38

39 2016-17 Special Education IEP Changes
8/7/2018 Special Education IEP Changes CHILD FIELDS REMOVED Student’s Address Student’s Address City Student’s Address State Student’s Address Zip Student’s Primary Telephone Student’s Secondary Telephone Student’s Address 39

40 2016-17 Special Education IEP Changes
8/7/2018 Special Education IEP Changes PARTICIPATION Remove Primary Disability Code 07: Code 07 – Physical Disability not valid in 2016 Add Exit Code 05 and adjust Exit Code 14 to align with Student End-of-Year: Code 05: Transfer to a school located in a different country – A student who transfers to a public school located in another country. Code 14 will change to: Transfer to a School Located in a Different State 40

41 Links to Interchange File Layouts
IEP Child IEP Participation 41

42 IEP Child Purpose: The purpose of the Special Education Child File is to capture and verify the attributes of children with disabilities while he/she attended your LEA at any point during the current reporting period. Dependencies: Student has been assigned a SASID (if required) obtained from the RITS system. For students without a SASID, this field is zero-filled and LASID is required. A record for the student/SASID and or LASID exists in the Special Education Participation File. Important! If there is not a record in the Participation File, the record will not be included in the snapshot. Record Expectation: In the Special Education Child file the LEA should submit 1 record per LEA for any student who received special education or related services at any point during the current reporting period. Use Summary: (Fields from this file are used in the following CDE Collections which require LEA/AU effort): Special Education December Count/Special Education End of Year/Special Education Discipline 42

43 Special Education Child File
8/7/2018 Special Education Child File Admin Unit/SOP Code Student’s Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino Student's State ID (SASID) Student’s Race: American Indian or Alaska Native Local ID (LASID) Student’s Race: Asian Student's First Name Student’s Race: Black of African American Student's Middle Name Student’s Race: White Student's Last Name Student’s Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Student's Gender Student’s District of Residence Student's Date of Birth State of Parent’s Residence for Non-Residence Students ELL Status District of Parent’s Residence for non-Resident Students

44 IEP Participation Purpose:
8/7/2018 IEP Participation Purpose: The purpose of the Special Education Participation File is to collect information on the services students in Special Education are receiving. Dependencies: Student has been assigned a SASID (if required) obtained from the RITS system. For students without a SASID, this field is zero-filled and LASID is required. A record for the student/SASID and or LASID exists in the Special Education Child File. Important! If there is not a record in the Child File, the record will not be included in the snapshot. Record Expectation: In the Student Special Education Participation file the LEA should submit a record for every student who was referred, evaluated, or received special education or related services in your Administrative Unit or State Operated Program. This should include resident students who are eligible for services regardless of where they receive services and students who are parentally placed in a private school within the boundaries of your Administrative Unit and do not receive any services from yours or any other AU. Use Summary: (Fields from this file are used in the following CDE Collections which require LEA/AU effort): Special Education December Count, Special Education End of Year, Special Education Discipline 44

45 Student Special Education Participation File
8/7/2018 Student Special Education Participation File Admin Unit/SOP Code Pupil's Attendance Information Secondary Service Provider EDID 3 Reason for Delay in Completing Evaluation Part C Reason for Delay in IEP Implementation C to B Student's State ID (SASID) State of Attendance Secondary Service Provider EDID 4 Eligibility and Services Path 1 Eligibility and Services Path 2 Local ID (LASID) Educational Orphan Hours of Special Education Services per Week Date Child is Referred to the Part C System Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate Part B Student's First Name Parentally Placed in a Private School Total School Hours per Week Date Child is Found Eligible for Part C Services Date Evaluation Completed Part B Student's Last Name Special Education Funding Status Extended School Year Services Date of Referral to Administrative Unit from the Local Community Centered Board Reason for Delay in Completing the Evaluation Part B Student's Gender Date of Entry to Special Education Basis of Exit Date of Parental Consent to Evaluate C to B Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting Part B Student's Date of Birth Date of Exit from Special Education Special Education/Part C Referral Date Evaluation Completed C to B Date Initial IEP was Finalized Part B Primary Disability Educational Environment Current Eligibility and Services Reason for Delay in Completing Evaluation C to B Reason for Delay in Finalizing the Initial IEP Part B School Code Primary Service Provider's EDID Date Referred for Part C Evaluation Date of Initial Eligibility Meeting C to B Date IEP was Implemented Part B Program Code Secondary Service Provider EDID 1 Date of Parental Consent To Evaluate Part C Reason for Delay in Initial Eligibility Meeting C to B Reason the IEP was Never Implemented Part B Grade Level Secondary Service Provider EDID 2 Date Evaluation Completed Part C Date IEP was Implemented C to B Eligibility and Services Path 3 District of Attendance 45

46 Creating IEP Files– Cliff Notes
8/7/2018 Creating IEP Files– Cliff Notes Excel, CSV or Text File all accepted First Record = Headings or Titles can be labeled to make the most sense to you Pipeline system ignores these headers-essentially skips it to the 2nd row with actual data Codes must match codes within file layout Include leading zeros Blanks are not allowed – zero-fill if N/A Refer to the File Layout and Definitions document for the file you or the vendor is creating Template available if needed at: (read instruction page 1st) 46

47 Example of IEP Record (in excel)
8/7/2018 Example of IEP Record (in excel) CHILD AU/SOP Code SASID LASID First Name Middle Name 16010 Spongebob Snicklefritz PARTICIPATION AU/SOP Code SASID LASID First Name Last Name 16010 Spongebob Snicklefritz 47

48 8/7/2018 Example of IEP Records (in excel) that would NOT make it to the Snapshot CHILD AU/SOP Code SASID LASID First Name Middle Name 16010 Spongebob Snicklefritz SASID/LASID – don’t match between Child and Participation PARTICIPATION AU/SOP Code SASID LASID First Name Last Name 16010 Spongebob Snicklefritz 48

49 Points of Distinction Points of Distinction 49

50 Pupil’s Attendance Information
Pupil’s Attendance Information (PAI Code) – For each record submitted provide a code from either: A - Pupils Attending an Educational Program Operated by the Reporting Administrative Unit, including students served under Schools of Choice and on a tuition contract. Administrative Units should use one of the codes for students attending an educational program operated by the reporting AU. State Operated Programs must use code 19 for students in their educational program. B - Resident Pupils Attending an Educational Program Not Operated by the Reporting Administrative Unit. Do not include students served by another administrative unit under Public Schools of Choice, even if you are paying tuition. Use one of the codes for students attending an educational program not operated by the reporting administrative unit. Report students based on where they receive their educational services. 50

51 What PAI Code to Report Pupil’s Attendance Info Code
Is the student a Resident or Non-Resident of your AU? RESIDENT NON-RESIDENT Is your AU providing educational services? Yes No Yes No A-side PAIs 01 Designated School 02 Open Enrollment 03 Non-District Site 08 Non-Choice 14 PPPS Served at District Site 16 PPPS Non-District Site B-side PAIs 22 Approved Facility School 23 Facility Attending Public School 24 Detention Center 27 Non-Public Contractual Agreement 28 Out of State Public Agency 29 Out of State Non-Public School 30 CO Public Agency Head Start Contractual Agreement 31 AU Contractual Agreement 32 State Operated Program A-side PAIs 04 Schools of Choice 05 Non-Choice 11 Detention Center 12 AU Contractual Agreement 15 PPPS Served at District Site 17 PPPS Non-District Site 19 State Operated Program B-side PAIs None

52 Educational Settings Codes are strictly based on the AGE of the student on December 1st of the reporting period Birth through Two – Codes in the 100 series Ages 3-5 –Codes in the 200 series Ages 6-21 – Codes in the 300 series

53 Syncplicity – Secure File Sharing
What is it? Online tool that allows for secure file and information sharing Allows users to store and sync files online between computers. It supports Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. Why? Personally Identifiable Information can no longer be sent over Includes: Names, Dates of Birth, SASIDs "Student Personally Identifiable Information“ (Student PII) means information that, alone or in combination, personally identifies an individual student or the student's parent or family, and that is collected, maintained, generated, or inferred by a public education entity, either directly or through a school service, or by a school service contract provider or school service on-demand provider. 53

54 Syncplicity – Secure File Sharing
What is it? Online tool that allows for secure file and information sharing Allows users to store and sync files online between computers. It supports Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. Why? Personally Identifiable Information can no longer be sent over Includes: Names, Dates of Birth, SASIDs "Student Personally Identifiable Information“ (Student PII) means information that, alone or in combination, personally identifies an individual student or the student's parent or family, and that is collected, maintained, generated, or inferred by a public education entity, either directly or through a school service, or by a school service contract provider or school service on-demand provider. 54

55 Syncplicity Resources
Link to Syncplicity Resources: Click District Data Exchange Click bottom bullet point “Syncplicity” “Syncplicity Instructions for External Users” PowerPoint found here Now we will go through the steps to set it up (switch to Syncplicity PowerPoint Slides). 55

56 Syncplicity Uses (so far):
Exception requests – should no longer be sent via Questions containing PII (Name, SASID, Date of Birth) Duplicate Spreadsheets Any other ideas???? 56

57 Syncplicity Notes: Shared “space” between Special Education Data Team and each AU For those that submit Student Interchange files, you will have a separate Sped folder in Syncplicity Folder name is your AU # (example: 16010) Can be shared with as many people at your AU that you’d like CDE is not automatically notified when you save something to your folder. You must us and let us know. 57

58 Syncplicity – Exception Requests
Exception Request Process Follow the December Count Exception template instructions Save the template spreadsheet in your AU/Sped Syncplicity folder the Sped Data Team to let us know so we can upload the exception to Pipeline 58


60 CDE Identity Management
8/7/2018 CDE Identity Management The first hurdle to accessing the Data Pipeline System is gaining access to the system. User (aka respondent) Lam GRANTS PRIVILEGES Identity Management Access to the Data Pipeline 60

61 Accessing Data Pipeline
8/7/2018 Accessing Data Pipeline Data Pipeline 61

62 Accessing Data Pipeline
8/7/2018 Accessing Data Pipeline 62

63 Date Pipeline System Batch Maintenance, Format Checker
8/7/2018 Date Pipeline System Batch Maintenance, Format Checker Data File Upload Validation Report Based on your Identity Management Roles Error reports and other validation reports 63

64 Preparation Ensure you have the SPE role
8/7/2018 Preparation Ensure you have the SPE role SPE~LEAUSER Submit and Modify Role Download the Child and Participation File Layouts from the Data Pipeline Website Data Pipeline accepts file extensions of: CSV TXT XLS XLSX Pipeline Requirements You need a header row (in first row) Data Pipeline only accepts field delimiters of: , | ~ Include leading zero’s (0) for required fields Creating Files Vendor Template Other methods 64

65 File Upload – Format Checker
8/7/2018 File Upload – Format Checker Now that you’ve created your file you are ready to upload it via Format Checker Take Note of Dataset, File Type, School Year Browse for your file Upload Reads 2nd row of data 65

66 Check that the order of the fields match what’s in the file layout
Check that the order of the fields match what’s in the file layout. Are the number of characters correct. 66

67 Format Checker – Upload Results
8/7/2018 Format Checker – Upload Results 67

68 8/7/2018 Format Checker Notes Format Checker will only review the 2nd row in your file Passing format checker Does Not Equal file will process Green ‘Pass’ for each field is desired result Red ‘Fail’ for a field indicates file is not in the correct format- please refer to the file layout on web 68

69 8/7/2018 Data File Upload Once you receive a “Pass” for each data element you are ready to upload the file Take Note of Dataset, File Type, School Year, Organization/LEA Browse for your file Append or Replace (Replace Best Practice) Submit 69

70 Data File Upload Notes The File cannot be open at the time of upload
8/7/2018 Data File Upload Notes The File cannot be open at the time of upload No spaces are allowed in the file name Upload Child file first Upload Participation file second Upload Types: Append = adds file to existing file, all records from both files included Can be tricky with fixing errors Replace = deletes any prior data file and replaces it with the file being uploaded RECOMMENDED Batch ID will be created 70

71 File Status Email Notification
8/7/2018 File Status Notification You will receive an letting you know the status of the file. There are cases when the file does not process – please contact CDE for further instructions Record Count should reflect the expected records Check to ensure the file “Processed” What is the Error Count? Is the Batch ID the one you expected and last created? Submitted Date 71

72 Batch Maintenance Screen
8/7/2018 Batch Maintenance Screen 72

73 Batch Maintenance – Not Processed
8/7/2018 Batch Maintenance – Not Processed 73

74 File Not Processed – Next Steps
8/7/2018 File Not Processed – Next Steps Ensure file has all green ‘pass’ in format checker YES? Open file and review all records are formatted the same as the 2nd row Be sure all codes and dates have leading zeros included NO? Review file layout posted online and re-format the file Open the file, filter on every column to see if data is correct. Are there any characters like periods or decimals? Too many characters? Not enough characters? For further assistance, contact CDE DO NOT INCLUDE THE FILE IN ANY S 74

75 Batch Maintenance – File Processed
8/7/2018 Batch Maintenance – File Processed 75

76 File Processed – Next Steps
8/7/2018 File Processed – Next Steps Use same screen to see the Number of Errors: 76

77 Review Errors in Detail
8/7/2018 Review Errors in Detail 3 methods available: Validation Report (Batch Maintenance Summary Report) Data Pipeline Reports -> Error Reports Cognos Reports – > Special Education IEP All Business rules (errors and warnings) can be found at: and Cognos Reports -> Baseline -> Business Rules 77

78 Batch Maintenance, Format Checker
8/7/2018 Validation Report Batch Maintenance, Format Checker Data File Upload Validation Report Provides Error & Number of Records Receiving the Error 78

79 Error reports and other validation reports
8/7/2018 Accessing Cognos Clicking in Cognos opens another screen Error reports and other validation reports 79

80 8/7/2018 Cognos Reports 80

81 IEP Interchange Error Reports
8/7/2018 IEP Interchange Error Reports Detail Reports – provides detailed records with descriptions of error Summary Reports – provides a count of records by type of error *Do Not Send Error reports via contact CDE for assistance 81

82 Error Reports Error Detail Report Error Summary Report
8/7/2018 Error Reports Error Detail Report Provides specific records causing the error with the error description Can select to View ALL error records or 1 type of error at a time Error Summary Report Provides a count of errors generated per error type and description Resubmit either file as needed for corrections for all data errors to be resolved Be sure to update source file with corrections as well 82

83 8/7/2018 Error Detail Report 83

84 Error Detail Report- Excel
8/7/2018 Error Detail Report- Excel All cognos reports can be downloaded into excel Choose “HTML” Icon Choose ‘Excel Format’ when making selection 84

85 Example of a detail error report
8/7/2018 Example of a detail error report Error report will show which records are receiving which error. If there are no records associated with the error, the system may be reading blank rows or you have something in a field that shouldn’t be. 85

86 8/7/2018 Pipeline Reports 86

87 Pipeline Error Reports – Viewing Details
8/7/2018 Pipeline Error Reports – Viewing Details Summary of Errors in File are next provide Choose ‘Excel’ to download error report in Excel – recommended 87

88 Pipeline Reports Records Not in DEC
8/7/2018 Pipeline Reports Records Not in DEC This is a handy dandy report to help you identify records that don’t make it to the snapshot due to not meeting the Special Education December Count Criteria 88

89 Correcting Errors Correct the errors in the file:
8/7/2018 Correcting Errors Correct the errors in the file: May have to fix errors in both the Child and the Participation Files Keep file versions – in case updated file causes even more errors, you can re-start using a prior file version Resubmit your data records using the same process and replacing your existing data file using the Data File Upload tool All errors must be corrected, all warnings should be reviewed 89

90 Batch Maintenance: No Errors
8/7/2018 Batch Maintenance: No Errors 90

91 Interchange Process Recap
8/7/2018 Interchange Process Recap Create/Update Data Files Upload files in Format Checker Upload files in Data File Upload Review Batch Maintenance Review Error Reports in Cognos Correct Data Files in Source System Once No Errors in All Files Needed -> Create Snapshot 91

92 Next Steps Special Education December Count
8/7/2018 Next Steps Special Education December Count Child = Processed and Zero Error Count Participation File = Processed and Zero Error Count Create Snapshot Administrative Units create Special Education December Count Snapshot 92

93 8/7/2018 I before S Focus efforts on getting all records into the snapshot, error free, meeting December Count criteria prior to working on December Count Snapshot Errors. Especially in regard to Caseload errors. Time and energy can be wasted trying to find matches for data that is not yet available. 93

94 8/7/2018 Data Privacy 94

95 Importance of Data Privacy
8/7/2018 Importance of Data Privacy Federal and state laws govern data privacy, confidentiality and security and require CDE to collect data that may include personally identifiable information (PII). Name, address, personal identifier Other indirect identifiers (e.g., date or place of birth) Information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty. (§ 99.3) 95

96 How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions
8/7/2018 How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions Use secure-file transfer protocols Call CDE with questions about how to transmit PII securely Do not send PII over or fax Do not use PII in trainings Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords For more information 96

97 8/7/2018 Technical Assistance We are available via phone or . Kristi Gleason (303) Lindsey Heitman (303) Orla Bolger (303) S Include District # and Administrative Unit # Phone Number in your Subject of the NEVER send files or reports via – contact to determine best technical assistance avenue. 97

98 Thank you for joining us today!

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