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Jun Zhao University of Oxford

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1 Jun Zhao University of Oxford
A Walk Through PROV-O Jun Zhao University of Oxford 27/05/13 @junszhao

2 Provenance of this presentation
<provAtIswc12> <#theseSlides> prov:wasDerivedFrom prov:wasAttributedTo < < prov:wasRevisionOf prov:actedOnBehalfOf < <#me> < prov:Entity 27/05/13 @junszhao

3 @junszhao
< A lightweight OWL-RL ontology For provenance information interchange Domain-neutral Meant to be extended There are alternate encodings for XML, etc. 27/05/13 @junszhao

4 @junszhao
Namespaces @prefix rdfs: < . @prefix xsd: < . @prefix owl: < . @prefix prov: < . @prefix : < . “When in doubt,” (e.g. 27/05/13 @junszhao

5 @junszhao
PROV-O at a glance Starting point terms 3 classes + 9 properties Simple, binary relations Expanded terms 7 classes + 16 properties Adds subclasses and subproperties Qualifying relationships Elaborate 14 of the binary Starting and Expanded relationships 27/05/13 @junszhao

6 Part I: Starting-point Terms
27/05/13 @junszhao

7 Starting Points (The Triangle)
27/05/13 @junszhao

8 Starting Points Example
27/05/13 @junszhao

9 Part II: Expanded Terms
27/05/13 @junszhao

10 @junszhao
Expanded Terms Classes Entity Plan Collection Bundle Agent Person Organization SoftwareAgent Location Properties Derivation(wasDerviedFrom) prov:wasRevisionOf prov:wasQuotedFrom prov:hasPrimiarySource prov:wasInfluencedBy Statefulness/General v.s. specific prov:specializationOf, prov:alternateOf Location prov:atLocation prov:value Generation v.s. Invalidation Time: prov:wasInvalidatedAt, prov:wasGeneratedAt Activity <-> Entity Generation, invalidation, start and end 7 classes + 18 properties a Bundle of PROV-O assertions is an abstract set of RDF triples, and adding or removing a triple creates a new distinct Bundle of PROV-O assertions. A prov:Plan is an entity that represents a set of actions or steps intended by one or more agents to achieve some goals. - prov:hadPrimarySource cites a preceding Entity produced by some agent with direct experience and knowledge about the topic (such as a reading from a sensor, or a journal written during an historical event). - The property prov:value provides a literal value that is a direct representation of an entity 27/05/13 @junszhao

11 @junszhao
Expanded Terms Classes Entity Plan Collection Bundle Agent Person Organization SoftwareAgent Location Properties Derivation(wasDerviedFrom) prov:wasRevisionOf prov:wasQuotedFrom prov:hasPrimiarySource prov:wasInfluencedBy Statefulness/General v.s. specific prov:specializationOf, prov:alternateOf Location prov:atLocation prov:value Generation v.s. Invalidation Time: prov:wasInvalidatedAt, prov:wasGeneratedAt Activity <-> Entity Generation, invalidation, start and end 7 classes + 18 properties a Bundle of PROV-O assertions is an abstract set of RDF triples, and adding or removing a triple creates a new distinct Bundle of PROV-O assertions. A prov:Plan is an entity that represents a set of actions or steps intended by one or more agents to achieve some goals. - prov:hadPrimarySource cites a preceding Entity produced by some agent with direct experience and knowledge about the topic (such as a reading from a sensor, or a journal written during an historical event). - The property prov:value provides a literal value that is a direct representation of an entity 27/05/13 @junszhao

12 Expanded Terms (1/3): prov:value (and prov:wasQuotedFrom)
prov:value provides direct representation of an entity. It is similar to rdf:value. 27/05/13 @junszhao

13 Expanded Terms (2/3): prov:specializationOf
Pointing to the wiki text that was generated at a specific time 27/05/13 @junszhao

14 Expanded Terms (2/3): prov:specializationOf
: bob 27/05/13 @junszhao

15 Expanded Terms (2/3): prov:alternateOf
Two alternate entities present aspects of the same thing. These aspects may be the same or different, and the alternate entities may or may not overlap in time. 27/05/13 @junszhao

16 @junszhao
Expanded Terms (3/3): prov:Bundle provenance of provenance with a single Class! TODO 27/05/13 @junszhao

17 Part III: Qualifying Terms
27/05/13 @junszhao

18 @junszhao
Qualifying Terms Starting point and Expanded relations are binary: But we may want to provide more details about that use, or association… When and where did the Activity use the Entity? How did the Agent perform in the Activity? 27/05/13 @junszhao

19 Qualifying the Usage of an Entity
27/05/13 @junszhao

20 Qualifying the Usage of an Entity
More about the time of the usage 27/05/13 @junszhao

21 Qualifying the Association between an Agent and an Activity
27/05/13 @junszhao

22 Qualifying the Association between an Agent and an Activity
More about the activity More about the time of the agent 27/05/13 @junszhao

23 Qualifying Association: prov:hadRole and prov:hadPlan
(blank nodes for illustration ONLY!) (prov:had* naming convention*) 27/05/13 @junszhao

24 Qualifying Association: prov:hadRole and prov:hadPlan
(blank nodes for illustration ONLY!) (prov:had* naming convention*) 27/05/13 @junszhao

25 The Qualification Pattern
Influence Derivation Quotation Revision PrimarySource Start End Usage Communication Generation Invalidation Association Attribution Delegation 27/05/13 @junszhao

26 @junszhao
PROV-O at a glance Starting point terms 3 classes + 9 properties Simple, binary relations Expanded terms 7 classes + 16 properties Adds subclasses and subproperties Qualifying relationships Elaborate 14 of the binary Starting and Expanded relationships 27/05/13 @junszhao

27 Some Final Words about Naming Patterns in PROV-O
27/05/13 @junszhao

28 The Main Three Classes (1/3)
27/05/13 @junszhao

29 Qualification Pattern (2/3)
Elaborate 14 of the binary Starting and Expanded relationships 13 instead of 14?? 27/05/13 @junszhao

30 Organizing Qualifications (3/3)
What’s the point of this slide? 27/05/13 @junszhao

31 @junszhao
Acknowledgement Tim Lebo: W3C PROV Team 27/05/13 @junszhao

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