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Arch 2315 Exam 2 Review, part 2.

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1 Arch 2315 Exam 2 Review, part 2

2 28. Culzean Castle, Stair Hall Scotland 1777 Robert Adam 29. Vitruvian Man Da Vinci 1487

3 30. “Carceri” (The Prison) Series 1750 Piranesi 31. Pagado at Kew Gardens London 1762 William Chambers

4 32. Broken Column Desert de Retz Near Paris 1774 Francois de Monville 33. Royal Pavilion Brighton, England 1815 John Nash

5 34. Temple of British Worthies Stowe Gardens Buckinghamshire, England 1734 William Kent 35. Chinese House Stowe Gardens Buckinghamshire, England 1738 William Kent

6 36. Blenheim Estate Plan 1705 Vanbrugh 37. Blenheim Estate Plan 1760 Capability Brown Compare & Contrast the Baroque & Picturesque Landscapes

7 ESSAY PORTION, EXAM 2 Three of the following four essays will be on the exam, each worth 15 points. The images provided are meant to assist your memory, but they BY NO MEANS represent all the information or ideas for the essay. Your essays must show not simply a comprehension, but a fluency in the larger historical contexts of architecture – the contexts of ideas, politics, economics, and etc., of which architecture is a manifestation. Your essays must also prove a fluency in formal analysis and vocabulary. Because you have been given the essay topics in advance, and because you have had not only an essay-writing workshop but also an first exam, you are expected to attain a level of sophistication in your answers that was noticeably lacking in the vast majority of essays on the first exam. We expect those endowed with a gift and/or opportunity – be it artistic, intellectual, or circumstantial – to cultivate that gift and use it as a vehicle for excellence in life. As St. Luke said, “To whom much is given, much is expected.” (Luke 12:48). You have been given much; use your gifts with devotion. And write me an excellent essay.

8 1. Explain Gondoin’s School of Surgery as a manifestation of Enlightenment thought and the transformation of ancient building types.

9 Explain Neo-Palladianism as both a political statement in England and as a ‘common language’ in
the Atlantic World of the eighteenth century.

10 Describe how and why the Picturesque Landscape developed in 18th Century England, both as an
aesthetic and as a result of political and economic policies.

11 4. Explain French Neo-Classicism, its characteristics and its rejection of the Baroque

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