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Squares and Square Roots

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1 Squares and Square Roots
Revision 1) =169 1)169 is the square of 13,and 13 is the square root of 169. 2) =225 2)….. is the square of 15,and ……is the square root of 225. 225 15 ü

2 ü Finding square root of given number as following 205 2 +2 4 20 25 -4
40 +0 020 -00 2025 -2025 405 +5 410 0000 Square root of is 205 ü

3 Square roots of positive numbers
It is customary not to write ‘+’sign before a positive number.Like +10=10. 4*4=16,4 is the square root of 16. Also -4*-4=16,-4 is the square root of 16. Thus 4&-4 are the two square roots of 16. EVERY POSITIVE NUMBER HAS TWO SQUARE ROOTS. THESE SQUARE ROOTS ARE OPPOSITE NUMBER OF EACH OTHER.

4 Writing and Reading a square root
‘Õ’ This sign refer to a square root ‘Õ’ This sign also refer to a positive square root Õ’ ‘ - This sign refer to a negative square root Read as ‘positive square root of 225’ Read as ‘negative square root of 144’ ü

5 Perfect square numbers
A number which is the square of an integer is called a perfect square. Ex-4,9,16,25,36,49,225,625,576 etc. Not Perfect square numbers The number which are not the squares of an any integer are called not perfect square numbers ex-2,3,5,6,7,8,10 etc. ü

6 The square root of a non-perfect square number
…….. 4 +4 84 887 +7 8942 89441 89442 -16 0400 - 336 006400 - 6209 019100 032159 =4.4721… and = ü

7 The approximate value of the square root of a non perfect square number
=4.4721… =4.47(Approximate value up to the second decimal place) =4.5 (Approximate value up to the first decimal place) The quotient …………… is written as 3.58 In a non terminating recurring decimal,the recurring digits are marked with a line drawn above them ü

8 Shri : Bihani R. J. Std : 7 & 8 th School Name : Smt: K. N. K. P. K. V
Shri : Bihani R.J. Std : 7 & 8 th School Name : Smt: K.N.K.P.K.V. Satral

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