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Session 5b Dr. Dan C. Surber, ESEP

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1 Session 5b Dr. Dan C. Surber, ESEP
ME Fall Introduction to Systems Engineering Session 5b Dr. Dan C. Surber, ESEP © Copyright 2013

2 Lecture Topics Development of
Test & Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) Master Compliance Matrix (MCM) or Reqirements Traceability Verification Matrix (RVTM) Use of Technical Performance Measures (TPM)

Are these the right requirements? Set scope & bound the problem Operational Suitability & Effectiveness VERIFICATION Does the design satisfy the requirements on the basis of the methods used & results? I, A, D, T, QbyS Did we build it right? VALIDATION2 Assessed under operational conditions by trained users and maintainers with tools & tech data. Did we build the right system?

4 Flow-down Helps Testing
Requirements -> Functions -> Architecture System, Segment, Subsystem, Products, Configuration Items, Assemblies, Subassemblies, Components Iterations from top to bottom help “discover” interdependencies and a possible integration pathway (critical path) Lead times, complexity, INTRAFACES also help determine integration pathway Models, testing tools, & simulations help identify groups of test cases to be together

5 Test Plan, Case, Procedure
Test & Evaluation Master Plan: laid out the “big picture” Described the LEVELS of Tests, and some ordering of Tests Test cases describe HOW the capabilities and requirements are proven, and under what conditions 5 “W”s Who What When Where Why How Test Procedure Setup the test environment Ensure the system under test is in a known, stable STATE & MODE Execute the Test in a Step by step methodology to Pass/Fail the requirements Use the verification methods prescribed by the RVM Record the results and annotate a record with any anomalies or failures TP should be “repeatable” Our goal is to isolate the object under test from its test environment so any failure can be traced back to the object itself by eliminating all other causes.

6 Test Procedure Requirements that are verified
Steps to follow, given that the “setup” conditions described in the Test CASE are done Note the steps where PASS/FAIL criteria are assessed Ensure data files are captured, labeled, controlled Follow post-test data reduction & analysis ENSURE each TP is “repeatable”

7 Integration vs. Qualification Testing
Integration: How do I put things together to reduce risks, ensure qualification and assure readiness for intermediate architecture verification? Engineering integration testing (EIT) “White Box” tests Qualification “Black Box” tests Formal, witnessed Testing System “sell off” (pre-Validation, or Production) Acceptance testing Customer acceptance test

8 Master Compliance Matrix
Maps the decomposed requirements and functions to their allocations in the physical architecture and across to their verification events (level & status). Assumes traceability & baseline configuration control are implemented. Maps requirements & verification methods to test cases to test procedures.

9 MCM Use Data Elements from REQUIREMENTS:
Project Unique Identifier (PUID) Description Rationale Allocation (to CI in the ABD) Method of Verification Level of Verification ADD the following Additional Data Elements Order of precedence for testing Buildup from assembly to subsystem Tie-in any TPMs Note any RISKS and SAFETY HAZARDS BUILD this data EVERY Level of Hierarchy

10 MCM Example PUI Ver Level Funct Facility Insp Subsy Anal HWCI Demo
CSCI Test Comp M/S QbS

11 TPMs Track at LEVEL of the System
Track to closure (usually by design reviews) Close but do NOT DELETE – inactive Different TPMs are appropriate for PHASES Preliminary design Detailed design Production readiness

12 TPM Candidates Key Performance Parameters (KPP)
Parameters that are allocated through BUDGETS (space, weight, cost, power/ht) Average of 10 per system/subsystem level RISK (technical) that must be mitigated HAZARDS that must be mitigated INTERFACES (critical timing, sizing, throughput, bandwidth, data rates, resolution, apertures, uncertain protocols)

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