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Agenda Welcome Project Status (inc. Activity Reports)

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Welcome Project Status (inc. Activity Reports)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Welcome Project Status (inc. Activity Reports)
Project Extension AOB CB - 11/04/13

2 Progress report PQ10-11 Collaboration Board Catherine Gater
CB - 11/04/13

3 Project Status CB - 11/04/13

4 Project Effort PQ10&11 MGT WP1 2.668,0 18.5 21,1 88% 93% COORD WP2
Type Work Package Worked Hours Funded Worked PM Funded Committed PM Achieved PQ11 PM % Achieved PQ10 PM % MGT WP1 2.668,0 18.5 21,1 88% 93% COORD WP2 10.906,7 79,6 112,5 71% 77% SUPPORT WP4 43.753,5 321,9 311,1 103% 102% WP5 4.290,0 31,8 31,6 101% 85% WP6 7.453,4 53,7 62,6 86% 87% RTD WP7 2.899,3 21,7 21,5 100% Total 71.970,8 527,2 560,4 94% Low effort in NA2 due to NILs related NGI activity Low effort in SA2 due to cloud task under reporting CB - 11/04/13

5 PY3 Cost Statements Timetable will be posted at Deadline for justification of resources is 31 May Submission before the review, with preliminary statement presented at the review Proposed PQ9 and PQ10 payments submitted to EC for review CB - 11/04/13

6 Amendment #3 Submitted… but we broke NEF again!
Rationalization of TSA1.7 (TPM) and TSA2.5 (DMSU) into a single middleware and operational tools support task in TSA1.7 (Global tasks) Creation of a new task TSA2.6 for integrating institutional private clouds into EGI (National Task) Additional effort for coordination of staged rollout activities Moving coordination of documentation to (TSA1.8 Global Task) Moving coordination of integration activities to (TSA1.3 Global Task) CERN takes on SA3 work in TSA previously identified as INFN Mini-projects: Reallocation of unspent funds into a new WP8 with 11 short-term tasks (max 12 months in duration) accelerating strategic objectives of community & coordination, operational infrastructure and the establishment of virtual research environments. Submitted… but we broke NEF again! CB - 11/04/13

7 Highlights Planning for EGICF 2013 and EGITF 2013
EGI-InSPIRE 3rd Review of PY3 June 25th and 26th in Amsterdam Input provided to H2020 consultations EGI/XSEDE: Collaborative Use Case Call Three use cases have started new collaboration (WeNMR, computational chemistry, RADICAL) CB - 11/04/13

8 Highlights EGI Champions Established NGI International Liaisons
Process for selection & travel debugged Need to develop support material & processes NGI International Liaisons Still an issue with some partners on resourcing But when it works it works very well Good vehicle for building consensus Mini-projects DoW amendment submitted Need to see how this dynamic model works CB - 11/04/13

9 VTs: Bring Experts Together
Scientific Gateway Primer Scientific Publications Repository GPGPU Requirements within EGI Inter NGI Usage reporting Scientific Discipline Classification ELIXIR and EGI CB - 11/04/13

10 VTs: Funded Peer Reviewed
Virtual Research Environments Massive Open Online Course Development Evaluation of LifeRay Modules Building and Using Operational Cloud Infrastructure Providing OCCI support for arbitrary Cloud Management Frameworks CDMI Support in Cloud Management Frameworks Dynamic Deployment for OCCI Compliant Clouds Automatic Deployment and Execution of Applications Using Clouds Transforming Scientific Research Platforms to Exploit Cloud Capabilities Operational Tools VO Administration Portal A new approach to computing Availability and Reliability Reports GOCDB Scoping Extensions and Management Interface Tools for automating applying for and allocating federated resources Small projects lasting 6-12 months CB - 11/04/13

11 Policy Council policy MoU Demonstrating Excellence in Science
Pay per use for EGI Resources OpenAIRE Collaboration for Scientific Publications MoU DANTE: Signed AP Region: Ready to be signed CB - 11/04/13

12 Highlights Accreditation of EGI CSIRT as a TRUSTED Introducer
EUDAT Data Management Collaboration Data sharing and medium term access Uniform data access ScalaLife - PRACE Monitoring and Resource discovery Federated cloud task force Running 4 science demos Integrated into the production environment CB - 11/04/13

13 Priority Issues Developing our human networks
NILs, EGI Champions, NGI Operations Build and develop the platform model Core: EUDAT & RIs (e.g. ELIXIR) Cloud: Improve user experience & robustness Collaboration: Requirements for new projects End of EMI and IGE projects How to handle software coordination & integration Future PT activity & need not clear CB - 11/04/13

14 Biggest Issue There will be no new EC money until Nov 2014
Project due to finish April 2014 Certainly an issue for and EGI Global Tasks Funding gap between end of EGI-InSPIRE and start of H2020 projects (Nov 2014) Project extension of 6 months being discussed with the PMB EGI Council discussing 2015 funding levels CB - 11/04/13

15 Questions? CB - 11/04/13

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