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Knife Skills 12. Knife Skills 12 Objective Prepare a workstation for knife work.

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2 Knife Skills 12

3 Objective Prepare a workstation for knife work.

4 Preparing the Workstation
Follow these steps to prepare your workstation: Select a cleaned and sanitized cutting board Place a damp towel between the cutting board and worktable to prevent the board from shifting Adjust the height of the worktable and cutting board as necessary continued

5 Preparing the Workstation
Select the appropriate knife and make sure the edge is sharp Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and weight evenly distributed on both feet facing the worktable

6 Objective Execute the proper technique for cutting with a chef’s knife.

7 Using the Chef’s Knife The chef’s knife is the most important knife in the kitchen A chef’s knife can be used to chop, slice, cut, and mince a wide range of foods The most common sizes are 8- and 10-inch knives

8 The Knife Grip Grip the knife with your dominant hand
Grasp the portion of the knife blade just next to the end of the handle with the thumb and forefinger continued

9 The Knife Grip Wrap remaining fingers comfortably around the handle

10 The Guiding Hand Positioning the guiding hand
Curl fingertips under slightly to protect the fingertips Place your thumb and pinkie finger behind the other fingers to grasp the object during cutting

11 The Cutting Motion The knife stroke used with a chef’s knife is a combination of a downward and forward motion Begin your stroke with the tip of the chef knife pointed toward the cutting board The knife glides forward as the handle of the knife descends toward the cutting board

12 Technique: Cutting with the Chef Knife
Position guiding hand on one or more smaller objects. Thumb and pinkie are holding the object(s) securely and are behind the other fingers. Front fingers are curved. Finger position determines the location of the cut. continued

13 Technique: Cutting with the Chef Knife
Place flat side of chef’s knife against middle joint of the front fingers of the guiding hand. The knife blade should be resting on the object(s). continued

14 Technique: Cutting with the Chef Knife
Gently glide chef’s knife in a forward and down motion until the entire blade of the knife is resting on the cutting board. The object(s) should be completely cut. continued

15 Technique: Cutting with the Chef Knife
Lift the back end of the knife so the tip remains pointing down. Slide guiding hand to the location of the next cut. Verify the position of the guiding hand and begin again at step one.

16 Objective Execute the three basic knife cuts.

17 Basic Knife Cuts Foodservice professionals must be able to produce consistently cut shapes The three basic knife cuts are slice stick dice Chefs become proficient at producing basic knife cuts with practice

18 Slices Slices should be the same thickness
Rondelles are often ¼-inch (6 mm) thick Lightly trim one side of the food so one side is flat to prevent rolling while cutting

19 Sticks Most common stick cuts
Batonnet (bat ohn AY) — 2 x 1/4 x 1/4 inches (50 x 6 x 6 mm) Julienne (joo lee EHN) — 2 x 1/8 x 1/8 inches (50 x 3 x 3 mm)

20 Dices To make a dice, cut across stick cuts to make cubes
Most common dice cuts Large dice Medium dice Small dice continued

21 Dices Most common dice cuts (continued)
Brunoise (broon WAHZ) Paysanne (pay ZAHN)

22 Technique: Preparing Stick and Dice Cuts
Trim food item so it is flat on one side. Trim the other five sides of the food to create a rectangular box. continued

23 Technique: Preparing Stick and Dice Cuts
Cut lengthwise slices according to the thickness required for the specific stick cut. continued

24 Technique: Preparing Stick and Dice Cuts
Cut each slice lengthwise into uniformly sized sticks based on the dimensions of the desired stick cut. continued

25 Technique: Preparing Stick and Dice Cuts
Cut sticks into cubes to create dice cuts.

26 Mincing The chef’s knife is also used for mincing foods, such as fresh herbs, garlic, and olives Remove food that sticks to the blade during mincing by dragging a finger from the back of the knife toward the edge Drag the knife blade across the cutting board to push food back into a neat pile

27 Technique: Mincing Place tip of knife on cutting board. Place guiding hand on the back of the tip of the knife. Keep fingers of the guiding hand away from the blade. continued

28 Technique: Mincing To mince a product, lower and raise the chef knife repeatedly while pivoting the knife on the rounded front section of the blade.

29 Objective Apply the correct techniques for using a boning knife.

30 Using the Boning Knife There are three methods for gripping a boning knife All fingers grip the handle of the knife continued

31 Using the Boning Knife All fingers except the index finger grip the handle. Index finger rests on the back of the blade. continued

32 Using the Boning Knife 3. All fingers wrap around the handle with the blade pointing down. continued

33 Using the Boning Knife The guiding hand manipulates the fish or meat during the cutting process A cut-resistant glove may reduce the chance of an accident

34 Objective Demonstrate the correct use of a paring knife.

35 Using the Paring Knife The paring knife can be used for a wide variety of small tasks such as carving, trimming, or peeling vegetables and fruits making the classical knife cut called a tourné

36 Technique: Preparing Vegetable Tournés
Cut the vegetable to approximate desired length of the tourné. Hold trimmed vegetable in the guiding hand. continued

37 Technique: Preparing Vegetable Tournés
Place thumb of the knife hand on or near the end of the vegetable. Make one continuous cut starting at the top of the vegetable drawing the knife toward the bottom in a slightly rounded fashion. continued

38 Technique: Preparing Vegetable Tournés
Turn vegetable 1/7th revolution and make another cut. Right-handed cooks turn the vegetable counterclockwise, while left-handed cooks turn the vegetable clockwise. Finished tourné should have seven equal sides.

39 Objective Implement the proper technique when using a slicer or serrated bread knife.

40 Using the Slicer and Serrated Bread Knife
To use a slicer or serrated bread knife, wrap your hand around the handle with no fingers on the blade use a long, sawing motion with minimal downward pressure

41 Review Describe the procedures for preparing a workstation for knife work Clean and sanitize cutting board; place damp towel between cutting board and worktable to prevent board from shifting; adjust height of worktable or cutting board, if necessary; select appropriate knife; use correct stance continued

42 Review Explain the proper technique for cutting with a chef knife
When cutting, fingertips of the guiding hand are curled under for safety and accuracy Guiding hand guides the knife as it makes uniform cuts using a smooth, forward and downward motion continued

43 Review What types of knife cuts are made with the chef’s knife?
Slices, sticks, dices, mince continued

44 Review Describe the proper technique for using a boning knife
All fingers grip handle; all fingers grip handle except for index finger resting on back of blade; or all fingers wrap around handle with blade pointing down During cutting, the guiding hand maneuvers the food item being cut continued

45 Review What is the paring knife commonly used for?
carving, peeling, trimming, and making tournés continued

46 Review Explain the correct technique for cutting with a slicer or serrated bread knife Sawing motion with little downward pressure; product should not be smashed

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