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Parts of a Newspaper.

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Presentation on theme: "Parts of a Newspaper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parts of a Newspaper

2 Flag Name of the newspaper

3 Index A listing, usually on page one and in alphabetical order, that tells where to find certain sections or features. It may also tell specific information of the publication.

4 Headlines Different sizes and typefaces that name the article

5 Bylines Tell the name(s) of the reporter(s) who wrote the story

6 Photograph and cutlines (captions)
The cutline (caption) is usually found under or alongside the photograph and telling something about the photograph

7 Skybox or Teaser Text and/or visuals above the flag that highlight the articles found in the newspaper

8 Folio Lines Line of text included on each page, typically includes the name of the publication, the publication date and the page of the newspaper

9 Feature A story written with some interpretation that goes beyond just reporting facts.

10 Opinion (Editorial) A story written that shows the opinion of the author or publication

11 News Article A story written that just relays facts – who, what, when, where, why and how

12 Charts Graphical representation of data

13 Pullout Quotes A quotation or excerpt from an article that is typically placed in a larger or distinctive typface on the same page

14 Sidebars Information placed adjacent to an article, graphically separate but with contextual connection

15 With a partner, label all of the newspaper.

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