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Diabetic foot.

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Presentation on theme: "Diabetic foot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diabetic foot

2 Pathophysiology Vascular disease Neuropathy Sensory Motor autonomic

3 Vascular Disease Diabetics get arthrosclerosis due to calcification of the media Often increased blood flow with lack of elastic properties of the arterioles 30 times more prevalent in diabetics

4 Neuropathy Changes in the vasonervorum with resulting ischemia.
Abnormalities of all three neurological systems contribute to ulceration.

5 Autonomic Neuropathy Regulates sweating and perfusion to the limb
Result is dry, scaly and stiff skin that is prone to cracking and allows a portal of entry for bacteria

6 Autonomic Neuropathy

7 Sensory Neuropathy Loss of protective sensation
Starts distally and migrates proximally in “stocking” distribution

8 Patient Evaluation Medical (FBS,GUE,CBP,WBC,B .urea, S. creatinin)
Vascular (Pulses ,ABI ,Doppler,Duplex, ECG) Orthopedic (X-Ray,)

9 Gas Gangren

10 Gangrenous toe

11 Treatment Patient education Ambulation Shoe ware Skin and nail care
Avoiding injury Hot water F.B’s

12 TREATMENT 1- Control B S. 2- Drainage ,C/S 3- Antibiotics. 4- Daily dressing. 5- Amputation.

13 Treatment

14 After surgery



17 Instructions After ulcer healing Education to prevent recurrence
_ Control blood sugar _ Early treatment of any infection _ Consult the surgeon when there is suspected abnormality in the foot


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