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SENARIO: Here is a 48 years old female patient hospitalized for 10days. CHIEF COMPLAINTS: Ulcer over right foot since 2 months C/o pain on sole.

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Presentation on theme: "SENARIO: Here is a 48 years old female patient hospitalized for 10days. CHIEF COMPLAINTS: Ulcer over right foot since 2 months C/o pain on sole."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case presentation on Type-2 DM with ulcer over right foot with Essential hypertension.

2 SENARIO: Here is a 48 years old female patient hospitalized for 10days. CHIEF COMPLAINTS: Ulcer over right foot since 2 months C/o pain on sole of right foot Loss of sensation over sole of both feet. History of present illness: Patient got a prick on sole of right foot by piece of glass before 2 months and pain on the sole of right foot.

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: K/c/o Type-2 Diabetes mellitus from 20 years. k/c/o Hypertension since 4years PAST MEDICATION HISTORY: Tb. Metformin + voglibose + Glimipride regularly. Tb.Amlodipine LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS: CBC Values ESR 100 mm/hr MCV 78.2 fl MCH 24.8 g/dl MCHC 31.7 g/dl Na 129meq/lt Sugar (urine) 1.5%

4 Other investigations: ECG- sinus tachycardia culture sensitivity- enterococcus sensitivity (positive) ciprofloxacin 500mg Date 26/1 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 BP 150/100 140/90 142/88 130/90 120/80 130/80 136/80 140/80 Pulse 84 85 86 72 78 122 82 80 R.B.S 268 369 172 180 132 107 92 98 89

5 SOAP NOTE: SUBJECTIVE: Here is a 48 years old female patient presenting complaints of ulcer over right foot since 2months, pain on sole of right foot . Loss of sensation over sole of both feet. OBJECTIVE: BP on the day of admission was 150/100mm hg Increase in BP indicates hypertension. R.B.S. On the day of admission is 268 mg/dl. Increased it indicates hyperglycemia. CBC: ESR-100 mm/hr. increased., due to infection or inflammation. MCV-78.2 fl decreased usually occurs in iron deficiency anemia. MCHC-24.8 decreased due to iron deficiency anemia.

6 Hyponatremia is due to osmotic losses due to polyuria.
ECG: Sinus tachycardia. Culture sensitivity: Enterococcus sensitive – positive Ciprofloxacin-500mg 1-0-1 DIAGNOSIS: Type-2 DM with essntial hypertension with ulcer over right foot. ASSESSMENT: Problem lists: Type-2 DM: It is due to the insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency.

7 Essential hypertension:
Hyperinsulinemia occurs in type -2 Diabetes due to peripheral insulin resistance this may be associated with excess of sodium conservation in the body predisposing hypertension it is due to increase in sodium renal tubular absorption and increase in osmolarity in uncontrolled state of diabetes. Ulcer on foot: This is due to injury by glass piece which was infected.

8 Problem Goals of treatment Drugs & MOA Dosage Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus -To ameliorate symptoms of hyperglycemia, reduce the onset and progression of microvascular & macrovascular complications -reduce mortality. -sulfonylureas Glimepride: it exerts hypoglycemic action by stimulating pancreatic secretion of insulin. -Biguanides Metformin: it enhances insulin sensitivity of both hepatic and peripheral (muscle) allows increased uptake of glucose into these insulin sensitive tissues -insulin 0.5-1mg/day 500mg BD Or 850mg OD units/kg/day

9 Problem Goals of treatment Drugs & MOA Dosage Hypertension Ulcer on foot -Blood pressure should be controlled -to prevent infection and to promote wound healing -ARB blockers: Telmisartan: these inhibits the binding of AT-1 & AT-2 receptors there by inhibiting release of angiotensin. -Antibiotics: Staphylococcus is the commonest organism & hence penicillinase resistant antibiotics are the drug of choice.for gram –ve ampicillin, cephalosporins are given, for anaerobic infections Metronidazole. 20-80mg/day Amoxicillin-500mg BD Metronidazole 500mg BD Ceftriaxone 1gm TID

10 Plan: dose 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 1. T.Triglimesta
1-0-1 Glimipride+metformin+pioglitazone 2mg+8mg+7.5 y 2. T.Telmikind 1-0-0 telmisartan 40mg 3. Mixtars S/C H.insulin 30/70 4. T.Accuclav 1-1-1 Amoxicillin+clavulanic 625mg 5. T.Rantac rantidine 150mg 6. T.Tramadan tramadol 50mg 7. T.Neurolac 0-0-1 multivitamin 8. T.Ciplox ciprofloxacin 500mg

11 Drug interactions: 1. Antibiotic is not indicated for foot ulcer.
2.metformin/pioglitazone +rantidine =Moderate interaction Increase in metformin plasma concentraion. (hypoglycemia) 2.Ciprofloxacin+anti-diabetic (triglimestar)= major interaction Change in glucose level (hypoglycemia/ hyperglycemia). 3.pioglitazone+insulin- Contraindicated in UK because of reports of cardiac failure. If pioglitazone 15mg is given the dose of insulin to be reduced by 10-25% Discharge drugs: 1.T.Amlong – x 15 days. 2. T.triglimestar x15 days. 3.T.Ciplox x 15 days. Rablet should be added in discharge drugs. Patient counselling: 1.Take high fiber diet. 2.Avoid foods rich in sugars,fats.

12 3. Monitor your blood glucose and blood pressure levels regularly. 4
3.Monitor your blood glucose and blood pressure levels regularly. 4.Strict medication adherence should be followed. 5.Regular exercise aerobic exercise for 30 min atleast 5 times a week 6.Salt restriction up to 2g/day 7. Eye checkup for every 6 months 8.Never skip meals and if hypoglcemia occurs symptoms are sweating,weakness,confusion,palpitation and giddiness. Then have a fruit juice or a chocolate 9.Restrict calorie intake , maintain ideal body weight. Drug counselling: 1.Amlodipine should be taken in the morning after breakfast. 2.Triglimestar to be taken 30min before meals. 3.Ciprofloxacin should be taken after food. 4.Avoid milk.

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