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Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity

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1 Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity
Genna Calandra

2 Problem and Solution Problem Solution
Most researches find out how physical activity can help you physically but, I want to research on how it can help with mental health. My solution is to find info about how physical activity helps you with mental health and how it can be helpful not only physical wise but mental, social and overall health wise. I am going to find out the info by researching about it as much as possible and making sure I add in all of my thoughts and ideas.

3 some mental health benefits of exercise
Less tension It’s a natural mood booster Improves your sleep routine Great way to meet new people You will learn how to be more balanced with your life You don’t have to exercise for a long period of time Can lower the symptoms of mild depression and anxiety You become more aware if your surroundings Fun Fact! – you can notice benefits by doing any type of exercise!

4 Activities that help reduce depression better and more efficiently
Biking Dancing Gardening Golf (walking instead of using the cart) Housework, especially sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming Jogging at a moderate pace Low-impact aerobics Playing tennis Swimming Walking Yard work, especially mowing or raking Yoga

5 How physical activity can help you with your body (health wise)
Physical activity can be a great way to get strong but it can also help a ton with your risk of getting diseases. Including, diabetes, any heart diseases, and strokes (etc.) physical activity helps reduce risk of getting diseases by lowering your blood pressure, strengthening your heart muscle, raising your high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol) and lowering your low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol.) Physical activity also improves your blood flow and increases your hearts working capacity.

6 how physical activity can help you socially and emotionally
When you exercise your self-esteem may improve and because it improves you may be more likely to talk to others and make new friends. You can also join team sports which will involve you with about other people. Meeting new people is the first step to establishing new friendships and a support network.

7 How you can make exercising more fun
Exercising can be a hard thing to do at times, it can feel like a horrible everyday task. Here is some ways you can get over being bored while you are exercising. It is always much more fun when you have a friend around, so having a friend around can really motivate you to get more out of your workout.

8 What are endorphins? Endorphins are a type of hormone in the brain and nervous system that give off a happy feeling called “runners high.” Although you do not have to be running to get endorphins, you can do yoga, kick boxing or any sport you enjoy. Fun Fact! - you can release endorphins doing just 5 minutes of exercise!

9 How endorphins get released into the brain
When you exercise your body releases a hormone called Endorphins. Endorphins react with the receptors in the brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins give off a happy felling in the brain. Doing almost ANY type of exercise can release endorphins, so if you want to get a healthy and natural mood booster START EXERCISING!

10 Bibliography relieve-stress-1862.html participating-in-a-sport-relieve-stress/ benefits-sports health-1374.html

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