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Unit 2 – A People Business Exam Preparation

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1 Unit 2 – A People Business Exam Preparation
AS Leisure Studies Unit 2 – A People Business Exam Preparation

2 What have we studied? provision for customer needs and expectations
key principles of successful customer service staff and their communication with customers the importance of the customer to the leisure industry the significance of product knowledge in providing customer service different methods used to evaluate standards of customer service the development of customer service skills and their application in dealing with a range of customers with different needs

3 The Exam 4 Sections 1 ½ hrs each section Dates:
Wednesday January 14th AM Friday January 16th AM Monday 19th January PM Thursday 21st January AM We will have an hour revision session the night before each exam You can take you folder in – needs to be to me by 9th January You can include any notes you have produced AND any documents from the leisure facilities we have visited

4 Levels Questions are marked at three levels: Level 1 Basic:
Brief statements/partial definitions Limited reference to case studies Simple description Limited knowledge Generalised approach Non-specialist use of language Basic or implicit evaluation Written expression adequate to convey meaning

5 Levels Level 2 Clear: Clear statements/full definitions
Clear description Beginning to show understanding Clear use of one or more case studies Some application of knowledge and understanding Attempt at analysis Some specialist vocabulary Some clear evaluation of theme Coherent expression, so that meaning is clear

6 Levels Level 3 Detailed: Detailed description
Detailed application of knowledge and understanding Links to theory present Detailed use of one or more case studies Detail in organisation of response Suitable specialist vocabulary Greater explicit and reasoned evaluation . strengths and reliability recognised Suitable expression to organise and interpret information

7 My Top Tips If there are three questions - Half hour to answer each question Read the questions and circle the command words (1 mins) Take easiest question Skim read theory notes / Case study notes (5 mins) Plan the key points of your answer (2 mins) Answer the question 18 mins Read your answer (2 mins) Add further information (2 mins)

8 January 2006 Paper Q1 Assignment Task 1: Providing for customer needs and expectations For one leisure organisation that you have studied: (i) name the organisation, and outline the main products and services which it offers to its customers (2 marks) (ii) describe ways in which your chosen organisation offers an appropriate welcome to customers. You should refer to: Environment Staff Provision of information. (6 marks) (b) Describe how well the organisation that you chose in Task (a) meets the needs of one of the following types of customer: young people (under the age of 16 years) retired people family groups customers whose first language is not English customers with specific needs, such as those requiring wheelchair access, or those with sight/hearing impairments or learning difficulties. (c) Providing a safe and secure environment for the customer is a legal requirement for leisure organisations. For the organisation that you chose in Tasks (a) and (b), identify the safety and security measures in place and explain how they meet the needs of the organisation’s customers.

9 For January Write up the notes on your section for Fitness First
Post on the website for others to use (this should be done before Xmas day so others can use!!) Read the notes in your folder – can you add more depth or improve? (the Wiki identifies exactly what you need to know) Complete questions from past papers (link to exams and mark scheme on the Wiki)

10 Review Identify three things you have learned today
Identify questions you have Identify 1 thing you already knew

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