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WaterTime model and website

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1 WaterTime model and website
Robin de la Motte Watertime model and website November 2005 WaterTime model and website Robin de la Motte, PSIRU, University of Greenwich

2 Decision-making Model
Robin de la Motte Watertime model and website November 2005 Decision-making Model One of Watertime’s objectives was to elaborate a decision-making model that would enable a comparative evaluation of various options on a multi-criteria basis have participation and flexibility at its core The model uses Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approach Good Practice Recommendations and related Discussion tools

3 Robin de la Motte Watertime model and website 25 November 2005
MCDA Specifying criteria Specifying options Evaluating options in terms of criteria Weighting criteria (a) Results (a score for each option) (b) Conclusions

4 Participation and MCDA
Robin de la Motte Watertime model and website November 2005 Participation and MCDA The Watertime model aims to combine MCDA and participation in a novel way: participative MCDA, publically available online. MCDA is usually aimed at a single person making a decision requires costly software requires expert support Online participation usually is less focussed on the details of how a decision is to be reached does not provide any kind of decision analysis tool

5 Robin de la Motte Watertime model and website 25 November 2005
The Watertime model aims to combine MCDA and participation, in a system publically available on the internet. This involves Structured analysis of decisions Transparency on possible options, criteria for decision-making, etc Public deliberation on relative importance of criteria, options excluded, risks overlooked, etc And thereby Clarifies the nature of decisions for decision-makers Strengthens public sphere and transparency Enables structured and problem-focussed stakeholder dialogue Complements citizen juries and other public participation methods

6 Robin de la Motte Watertime model and website 25 November 2005
Watertime website These tools are on the Watertime website, and available: permanently for anyone to use, without charge, to support decision-making in the water sector in 20 languages

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