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Energy Research Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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1 Energy Research Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Ukraine National Energy Current State and Modeling its Long-term Development Ukrainian energy sector - challenges & drivers of its development, - possible long-term pathways, and Long-term national energy development – methodological approaches and methods of mathematical modeling A Unique Energy and Climate Policy in Open Energy Market: a year after COP 21 Sergii Shulzhenko, PhD, Chief of scientific department 25-th Energy Forum, Croatian Energy Day

2 Ukraine briefly 2015 Indicators: Population – 45 million; GDP – 90 $ billion (181 in 2013); GNI per capita – 2620 US$ (3789 – in 2013); Energy use – 2.5 toe/capita; Electric power consumption – 3.6MWh/capita; Export / Import (% GDP) – 53 / 55; High Tech Export – 6% of Export

3 Energy Research Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Primary Energy Reserves Energy Resource World Ukraine Ukraine / World, % Oil, mill ton 239360 206 0.09 Natural Gas, bill m3 186875 1094 0.59 Coal, bill ton, including: 891.5 56,7 6.36 - bituminous coal 403.2 39.3 9.75 NPP Net Installed Capacity, GW (IEA 2014): 1)USA – 99, 2)France – 63, 3)Japan – 42, 4)RusFed – 25, 5)China – 24, 6)South Korea – 21, 7)Germany – 14, 8)Canada – 14, 9)Ukraine – 13.84 Top 10 Producers, % of total DomesticElGen: 1) France – 78.4, 2)Ukraine – 48.6, 3)Sweeden – 42.3 Power Plant Installed Capacity, GW Electricity Generation, GW·hr Thermal Power (Coal, NatGas, FuelOil) 34.26 (incl. off-line) 61.64 NPP 13.84 87.63 Hydro 4.69 6.81 Hydro Pumped Storage 1.51 PV 0.5 1.59 Wind Biomass (mainly CHP) 0.17 Total 55.47 157.67 25-th Energy Forum, Croatian Energy Day

4 Energy Research Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Energy Consumption in Ukraine 2013, thousand toe Coal Oil products Natural Gas Bio fuels Electricity Heat Energy Industry 7447 1028 4360 38 5038 3951 Transport 12 8175 2303 42 747 - Tertiary 113 89 567 25 2142 2808 Agriculture 1391 200 16 338 276 Household & Government etc 730 30 13513 996 3559 4667 Non energy use 384 556 3983 Total 8698 11275 24926 1118 11828 11702 Industry, % 85.6 9.1 17.5 3.4 42.6 33.8 Transport, % 0.1 72.5 9.2 3.8 6.3 Tertiary, % 1.3 0.8 2.3 2.2 18.1 24.0 Agriculture, % 12.3 1.4 2.9 2.4 Household & Government etc, % 8.4 0.3 54.2 89.1 30.1 39.9 Non energy use, % 4.4 4.9 16.0 100

5 PrimEnergProd (e.g. coal mining) and processing
Sustainable risk-free energy development: methodology for robust decisions finding Interdependence and competition all with all: intrasystem interdependence and competition among production/import, transformation, transportation, storage, distribution/export and end use technologies and energy products; intersystem dependence and risk generation for stable existence and development of man-made and environmental subsystems: Energy – Ecology – Economy – Lend-use – Water supply and management – Climate change Strategic Robust Decisions Finding taking into account adaptiveness and downscaling (for example: Strategic goal – cover electricity demand taking into account season load variations) Water resources Demand Human life standards PrimEnergProd (e.g. coal mining) and processing Economy & Government Climate Change Lend Use

6 Institute of General Energy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Levelized Cost of Electricity Production – calculated using diapasons of exogenous variables instead of exact input data Constant expenses – depends from installed capacity (X) Variable and O&M Costs – depend from power load during operation (f) Operation time (could be stochastic) Generating Power (could be stochastic) For each technology installed capacity should be not less then actually used in each period of modeling Generated Power should be absolutely equal to power demand of Integrated Energy System The amount of Electricity produced should be not less the demand for electric energy

7 Institute of General Energy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
For each type of Power Plant the time of operation during the year (h) for each modeling period defined as constant (for example – 7000 for Ukrainian NPP at current state) Typical Power Plant Generation Schedule during the typical day, % from installed Power (X) Period of the day №1 №2 №3 №4 Work day, Base 100 75 Work day, Intermediate 85 Work day, Peak Holyday, Base Holyday, Intermediate Holyday, Peak 25-th Energy Forum, Croatian Energy Day

8 Power Plant Life Cycle Expenses
— discounted cost; — time of construction; — life cycle period; — time of commercial operation; — time of decommissioning; — discount (or interest rate); — variable – depends from power load during operation (f); — capital investment; — O & M; — interest returning; — expenses (“+”) or income (“-”) during decommissioning.

9 Institute of General Energy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
To develop a plan about Power Sector development We should know current and future input data, at least production cost of different technologies But in real life We CAN’T predict input data both future and even current Table - Percentage of financing during construction [IEA ElProdCost 2005] Design, Equipment booking, manufacturing and shipment Construction period Final installation, staff training -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 Canada - 8 22 29 21 12.5 7.5 USA 10 20 France 11.5 15.5 18 2 Germany 15 30 23 Japan 5 18.5 21.5 South Korea 3.8 12.2 24 37.5 2.5 Finland 28 Minimum 0 (3.8) 0 (2) Maximum 25-th Energy Forum, Croatian Energy Day

10 Institute of General Energy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Practical example for NPP Capital investment $/кW 2900 7200 Time of Commercial Operation Years 50 60 Base of Plant % / investment 0,75 0,8 Production Equipment 0,2 0,25 Personnel Number pers / MWt 0,5 0,7 O & M 0,04 0,065 O & M increase during Commercial Operation % / year 0,005 0,015 Yearly expenses for main equipment check out and fixing 0,05 0,075 Increase of expenses for main equipment check out and fixing 0,01 Cost of U3O8 mining $/ кg U3O8 20 120 Change of Cost of U3O8 mining 0,0075 U conversion $/ кg U 3 8 Change of U conversion 0,012 Enrichment $/ kg U 80 Change of enrichment 0,02 0,03 Fuel assembly $/ kg assembly 200 300 Change of fuel assembly Cost of waste management $/ MW 3000 4000 Cost of mid-term waste management 100 Change of Cost of mid-term waste management Cost of final waste disposal 600 Mass of UO2 in assembly Kg 455,00 490,00 Number of assembly in reactor number 163,00 Number of fuel assembly that are changes Number 42,00 54,00 Time of fuel company days / year 275 315 Load factor % 0,86 25-th Energy Forum, Croatian Energy Day 10

11 Institute of General Energy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
$/ MWh Minimum 51,42 Maximum 96,28 Average 71,43 Standard deviation 6,99 Correlation 0,995 25-th Energy Forum, Croatian Energy Day 11

12 Projected Costs of Generating Electricity, 2010 Edition
Institute of General Energy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Projected Costs of Generating Electricity, 2010 Edition INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT 25-th Energy Forum, Croatian Energy Day 12

13 Institute of General Energy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Input data for Natural Gas production in Ukraine Measure Value Minimum Maximum Number of wells Number 2 – 5 20 – 30, in some case up to 100 Well deep m 1000 – 2000  4500 – 5500  Square of production field km2 10 – 20 Average time of effective commercial production Years 20 – 30  50–60  and more Cost of geological studies USD mln 2.5 – 6 6 – 12 Cost of estimation of deposit 100 – 200 300 – 500 Cost of equipping production field 25 – 35 120 and more Average production cost USD / th m3 50 100 Results Measure Old fields New fields Production cost USD / th m3 49.76 80.62 Price (15% IRR) 50.39 117.48 Production bill m3 / year 13.00 5.00 Fixed cost % 57 65 Variable and O & M cost 43 35

14 Energy production-transportation-conversion-distribution-utilization
Institute of General Energy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Energy production-transportation-conversion-distribution-utilization Production A (mining) Imported fuel A Storage B (stock) Transportation A Storage A (Stock) Transformation A->B etc. Transportation B Distribution End Use A End Use B 25-th Energy Forum, Croatian Energy Day

15 Institute of General Energy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
25-th Energy Forum, Croatian Energy Day

16 Energy supply-demand model with energy security restrictions
Institute of General Energy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Energy supply-demand model with energy security restrictions (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Maximum fraction of imported fuel from single source; minimal fraction of energy produced within the country; balancing variables. * - Ukraine Economy Security Calculation Method, adopted by President’s Order №1159/

17 GDP Forecast and Economy Structure
2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 GDP, billion of USD, including: 73.3 85.5 104.0 126.5 151.7 171.6 Agriculture, Fishery … 10.3 12.5 15.2 18.3 21.9 24.7 Mining, Extraction … 4.1 4.0 4.3 4.9 4.6 5.0 Industry 10.4 11.3 12.0 13.1 15.0 17.0 Electricity, Heat, Natural Gas, Sanitary Water … supply & distribution 2.8 3.5 5.8 7.0 8.1 Transport 5.7 8.8 11.4 14.2 15.6 Other activity 40.0 47.2 59.0 73.0 88.9 101.2 GDP, %, including: 100.0 14.0 14.6 14.5 14.4 5.6 4.7 4.2 3.9 3.0 2.9 13.2 11.6 9.9 3.8 4.4 7.8 8.5 9.0 9.4 9.1 54.5 55.2 56.7 57.7 58.6 58.9

18 Generation development until 2040
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Installed capacity, GW 37.1 48.0 51.9 52.8 59.2 Thermal Power Plants (incl. CHP), GW, incl: 15.6 23.5 26.8 27.1 32.7 - Biomass (mainly CHP) 0.2 0.3 0.4 Nuclear Power Plants 13.8 15.8 15.0 Hydro & Hydro Pumped Storage 6.6 7.4 8.6 9.1 9.5 Wind 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Photo Voltaic 1.1 Electricity generation, TWh per year, incl.: 164.9 190.9 224.2 257.1 283.2 60.2 71.3 106.5 137.0 160.5 90.9 104.1 99.9 101.2 102.5 12.1 13.6 15.5 16.3 17.0 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.7 Investments, billion USD during period 4.4 21.5 13.1 16.5 10.4 Fuel consumption, gramm of coal equivalent per kWh generated 382.2 364.4 356.3 353.0 335.5 Fuel consumption at Thermal Power Plants, million ton of coal equivalent, incl: 22.8 25.8 37.7 48.1 53.5 Coal consumption, million ton of coal equivalent 19.2 21.2 32.5 41.7 45.9 Natural Gas consumption, million ton of coal equivalent 3.2 4.1 4.6 5.7 7.0 Emiision of SO2, thousand ton 780.1 265.7 191.3 81.5 87.4 Emiision of NOx, thousand ton 153.0 118.0 106.2 85.0 92.2 Air Pollution of partcular manner(ash), thousand of ton 141.2 88.0 25.4 13.4 14.4 GHG pollution, million ton 62.5 70.0 104.3 132.7 144.9

19 Results

20 Energy Research Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Ukraine National Energy Current State and Modeling its Long-term Development Achieving Low Emission Goals is required essential methodology development: -nexus between energy and the environment, economic sectors and social sphere uncertain future externalities, i.e.: regulatory and legal framework of energy markets, regulation of GHG emissions, possible changes in the efficiency of final energy consumption and its structure, operation modes of energy consumption, especially electricity etc clear but intermittent energy (Wind, PV) – expenses for dispatch, low voltage grid renewabales integration into national level system Integration of small to medium size storage capacities - electricity battery LET’S SHARE OUR COMMON EXPERIENCE AND HELP EACH OTHER TO AVOID MISTAKES A Unique Energy and Climate Policy in Open Energy Market: a year after COP 21 Sergii Shulzhenko, PhD, Chief of scientific department 25-th Energy Forum, Croatian Energy Day

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