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Planning an employees performance – Part 2

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1 Planning an employees performance – Part 2
What can help?

2 How should employee performance be planned
3 key aspects Objectives which the employee is expected to achieve – When does performance management become bullying? Competencies or behaviours – the way in which employees work towards their objectives Personal development – the development employees need in order to achieve objectives and realise their potential

3 Objectives SMART – useful starting point
Specific – objectives should state a desired outcome. What does the employee need to achieve? Measurable – how will you and the employee know when an objective has been achieved Achievable – is the objective something the employee is capable of achieving but also challenging? Relevant – do objectives relate to those of the team/department Timebound – when does the objective need to be achieved?

4 Competency Frameworks – Can be very helpful - Handout 1

5 Personal Development Skills need to be continually developed and renewed if employees are consistently going to meet their short and long term objectives Consider Personal Development Plans The development needed How the development will be achieved When the development will be achieved How the achievement will be measured

6 Reviewing Performance
PADR also Informal mechanisms can be used

7 Reviewing Performance - cont
3 elements Regular informal meetings Formal interim reviews The annual appraisal Always keep a record of progress

8 ACAS Code. How should under performance be managed? Core principles Support and coaching Having that difficult conversation! Moving it into a formal process Capability Disciplinary

9 Unsatisfactory performance
Document The performance problem The improvement that is required The timescale for achieving this improvement Any support, including any training, that the employer will provide to assist the employee

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