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Michigan geologic history

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2 Michigan geologic history
Relative dating Geologic time miscellaneous Michigan geologic history fossils $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Final Jeopardy $500 $500 $500 $500

3 C1 $100 Name this fossil

4 C1? $100 What is a brachiopod?

5 What is most likely to become fossilized on a critter

6 C1 $200 What are hard parts?

7 C1 $300 Name this fossil

8 C1 $300 What is a trilobite?

9 C1 $400 Name this fossil)

10 C1 $400 What is horn coral?

11 The “present is the key to the past” is this geologic principle
C1 final The final Jeopardy answer is: The “present is the key to the past” is this geologic principle Timer

12 What is uniformitarianism?
C1 final What is uniformitarianism?

13 The era of the Michigan’s lower Peninsula bedrock

14 C2 $100 What is Paleozoic

15 The oldest era bedrock in MI

16 C2 $200 What is precambrian?

17 The geologic time period when glaciers covered Michigan

18 C2 $300 What is quaternary?

19 How the Michigan basin formed

20 What is from the evaporation of a tropical sea

21 The geologic time period when MI salt deposits formed

22 C2 $500 What is Silurian?

23 Law which states the oldest layer is on the bottom

24 C3 $100 What is superposition?

25 Law used to date the age of faults and intrusions
C3 $200 Law used to date the age of faults and intrusions

26 What is the law of cross-cutting relationships?

27 What is the law of original horizontality?
C3 $400 What is the law of original horizontality?

28 C3 $300 Law that says that sedimentary layers are deposited as flat bedding planes

29 C3 $300 The type of unconformity seen in MI between Pennsylvanian and Quaternary periods?

30 What is disconformity(?)

31 Type of unconformity that involves folding

32 What is an angular unconformity?

33 C4 $100 Era of the dinosaurs

34 C4 $100 What is Mesozoic?

35 Era in which trilobites dominated

36 C4 $200 What is Paleozoic

37 C4 $300 Era of mammals

38 C4 $300 What is Cenozoic

39 Oldest known life form on earth
C4 $400 Oldest known life form on earth

40 What are stromatolites?
C4 $400 What are stromatolites?

41 Geologic time PERIOD during which Petoskey Stones were alive in MI

42 C4 $500 What is Devonian?

43 Carbon-14 is an example of this type of unstable atom

44 C5 $100 What is an isotope?

45 Tree sap fossilizes into this
C5 $200 Tree sap fossilizes into this

46 C5 $200 What is amber?

47 Dating technique used to find a numerical age of a rock

48 What is absolute dating?
C5 $300 What is absolute dating?

49 This caused the dinosaur extinction

50 C5 $400 What is an asteroid?

51 18O has how many neutrons? (atomic number=8)

52 C5 $500 What is 10?

53 (Science Teacher extrodanarie)
This Jeopardy game was created by Lisa Bouda (Science Teacher extrodanarie) This Jeopardy template was created by Dr. Robert Pettis, Director An Adventure of the American Mind, University of South Carolina Spartanburg

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