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Photography and poster making WORKSHOP

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1 Photography and poster making WORKSHOP
COOPERATIVE INTERACTIVE LEARNING Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnerships between Schools Photography and poster making WORKSHOP Learning Activity – 24-28th October 2016

2 What Is PHOTOGRAPHY? Photography is an universal tool to communicate.
The smartest businesses are looking to photographers who can shoot images that help them evolve their brand and tell a visual story of who they are. Marketing is all about communicating your value. Tapping into the use of commercial photography is an excellent opportunity to create messages for your business that makes you unique.

3 Some food PHOTOS… 

4 What makes a good poster?
Original - Something eye-catching that makes the public want to stop and read it (color, pictures, drawings, unusual shape, etc.)  Simple - Put 1-2 basic points on each poster.  Colorful - Use color for emphasis, variety, and to get and hold attention. But use colors sparingly.  Organized - Make your points easy to read and follow. Readable - If using more than 5-6 words, use both capital and lower case letters rather than only capitals.

5 What makes a good poster?
Educational - Use a poster when it helps explain a point more clearly to your audience.  Spaced - space areas between letters adequately. Use 1 ½ letter width between words and 3 letter widths between sentences. Margins should be larger on the bottom and equal on the other 3 sides.  Elegant  Accurate - spelling and all information should be correct.  Action - Tells the viewer to do something and makes him/her want to do it.

6 Creating a poster process…
 A poster is simply a static, visual medium (usually of the paper and board variety) that you use to communicate ideas and messages.  The difference between poster and oral presentations is that you should let your poster do most of the “talking”.

7 Plan your work! Planning - There are several stages in planning a poster. Gathering the information You have to stand back and think again about the What's, the How's and the Why's of the work that you have done. You have to examine critically, the approach that you have taken and the results.

8 Poster Design An advertising billboard is a poster.
If well designed it will be attractive and If well designed, it will be attractive and engenders a lasting impression. Make full use of the space, but do not cramp a page full of information as the result can often appear messy Be concise and do not waffle - use only pertinent information to convey your message

9 Some examples of posters that use photos:

10 Some examples of posters that use photos:

11 Some examples of posters that use photos:

12 What do you have to do…. You have to work in mixed teams for making a poster about traditional food in our three countries! You have to do a good-looking, eye-catching poster using the photos made by the all three teams! Use the project’s new made LOGO! You can choose a lot of programmes for doing the poster, but let’s try a new online application like ….

13 Tutorials

14 Another suggestion…. Creating poster in PowerPoint or Word

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